Rescued banty roo, what is he? (Pics) He's real handsome!

This is very confusing! People have sent me pictures of OEGB roos that were considered Red-Blue, Red-Dun and Lemon-Blue and he looks EXACTLY like them all!!! If I didn't know better I would have thought they were pictures of the same bird! Either way he is an excellent guy! Our family and house mates are completely in love with him.
He is so tame and loves the other chickens and he even helps feed the 1 month old babies!! He even tries to show the very large hens that he is the man of the yard! They just kind of look at him as they tower over him! He was raised by himself in a cage in the house. (Had never seen another chicken!
) Then escaped and was caught and taken to the pound. When the lady who owned him was asked if she was willing to pay for a license for him and then all the other sets of city rules she said no way just take him. So that's how we came to have him in our family. He doesn't have a name yet. Our 5 year old son (who is in the picture with him) has laid claim to him and is thinking of a name for him. He said he has to wait and get to know him so he will have the right name. I'll let you know what he comes up with. Thank you all for your input and compliments!
Amy J.

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