Slow Crop


Free Ranging
13 Years
Feb 2, 2011
One of our older hens has developed a really slow crop. This has taken about two weeks to develop, from a very slight issue that had me putting out different sizes of grit. It seems to be getting slower each day, until she was walking around with a water balloon on her chest. That's what it feels like, as if a lot of air is in there as well. She resisted my efforts at massage and acted like it was hurting her.
But there's no odor on her breath. So I wasn't sure if I should give her miconazole.
She's been stuffing her face with food every day. That seems to be her solution to feeling uncomfortable. I've fasted her for 48 hours (I know, I felt horrible) with only a 25% reduction in the size of her crop. Then gave her mash with egg yolk to break her fast, but she's stuffing her face in the feeder with her friends again. The night before I began her fast, she was up on the roost with her head down and fluid draining from her beak. This whole time she has been very energetic and is not acting like she's sick. Pacing, drinking water. But when I try to handle her, her crop area feels very delicate and I'm honestly concerned it will burst if I make one wrong move. What do I do next?
Following. I've been dealing with exactly what you're describing in a 11 week old Pullet. I've treated for Coccidiosis and treated with Clotrimazole (though her breath does not smell bad.) She's improved a bit but not 100% At a certain point I'm reluctant to treat her like a lab rat and try this, that and the other thing. I'm going to keep up with probiotics and see if she grows out of it. Sorry I didn't have a solution for you, just wanted to commiserate and see what other responses you may get! Good Luck!

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