something wrong with rooster.


In the Brooder
12 Years
Apr 9, 2007
cochranville Pa.
I posted a message before about this rooster. I can't find anything resembling bumblefoot. He doesn't seem to be able to move his legs now from the hocks down. His toes are curled. He eats and drinks, but today I had to encourage him by dipping his beak in the water. I got a new antibiotic, terramycin and put a little in a gallon of water. It only gives for large amounts. I soaked his legs in warm salt water and then put antibotic ointment on the legs. I then moved his legs back and forth and uncurled his toes , but he doesn't attempt to stand. He balances himself with his wings sometimes. I think he seems to be tilting his head just a little. I just don't know what to do now. Has anyone had this happen before ? He is a silkie mix. I thought he had been fighting as his comb has dried up bloody spots on it. That has been a week or more now. Any help would be appreciated Donna dac63
I don' think he got heat stroke. They have a good shaded area and I leave them free range each day. I just don't know what to do. I have used the older site for a long time but can't remember my info so when into this site. I know at one time the older site had some really savy people on problems with chickens, but I guess none of them are still on the board. Thank you for your suggestion . Donna dac
Hi dac... I have a bumblefoot post saved on my board (yep ...had to use that format to get my links sorted out into categories LOL)... here is the links to the info I have... (about EZboard location...just sign up for a new>global< account and problem solved! There is still another thread from SMOKY73 I have to will have to sort through all the old posts to find it, but she had some very good photos in it >essentially a sad thread documenting what can go wrong with bumblefoot)...
(saved BYC thread)
(the AVIAN WOUND MANAGEMENT site has a case study of bumblefoot treatment)
Treatment of bumblefoot in raptors includes both nonsurgical and surgical. Wound management is often the most challenging aspect of treatment and is usually accomplished by application of ball bandages. These bandages consist of gauze sponges placed on the plantar surface of the foot that are incorporated into a bandage by wrapping the digits (using cast padding and an elastic nonadhesive dressing) in a circular-longitudinal fashion in a "ball" around the sponges. It is important to incorporate the distal tarsometatarsus into the bandage to support the phalangeal and tarsometatarsal joints and to use many sponges to provide adequate cushioning of the plantar surface. Ball bandaging with a dimethyl sulfoxide "cocktail" is often effective for treating mild cases of bumblefoot. The formula consists of 8 ml DMSO, 2 ml dexamethasone (2 mg/ml), and 2 ml piperacillin or carbenicillin (500 mg/ml). Other common topical medications include udder cream to soften the feet, and hemorrhoid medication to promote epithelialization. Sharon Lynn Deem, DVM, PhD - Compendium, April 1999
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