Unwell Hen - Need Advice


12 Years
Jul 24, 2007
3 year old barred rock, normal sized for her breed

16 hen free-range flock, all others are OK

1) significant droppings caked on vent feathers we have noticed for a least 3 days -
day 1: normal color but caked, day 2: dark green & runny looking on top of caked droppings, day 3: looked like egg with out shell was broken on top of caked droppings
2) eating some, but not excited about it
3) somewhat lethargic, but will walk around

demeanor: sits by herself, doesn't run up for food like the others

treatment: gave her about 1ml mineral oil 2 days ago

It is clear that she is not well, but has no outward symptoms other than the above. Body looks normal in every way except for the caked droppings.
I answered you on EZBYC.
It sounds like internal laying. My advice is call or go to an avian vet and see if they think antibiotics might help prevent egg peritontitis.
Is her abdomen full and tight?

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