Recent content by 5Australorpasaures

  1. 5Australorpasaures

    The Wally-Gee Bee Journey 🐝

    Thats funny, the house I grew up in had a huge colony between the stud bays in my sisters room, so huge and thriving that honey actually oozed out of the cracks in the plaster. They were destroyed using Chlordane which I felt hastened her death, also affected my dad as his room was below hers.
  2. 5Australorpasaures

    Question of the Day - Saturday, June 8th, 2024

    Various non poisonous snakes, lizards, turtles and one large dog.
  3. 5Australorpasaures

    Question of the Day - Friday, June 7th, 2024

    Getting picked up by a woman on the South Street Bridge in Philly at 3 yrs old and being taken to the police station, sitting on the desk with a police hat and lollipop till mom and dad sprung me. 1954, things were different back then. Always was a wanderer.
  4. 5Australorpasaures

    The Honey Factory

    Also I have read with the Apivar and maybe, not sure, the Formic Pro the mites can become resistant. Breeders are working as are the bees on strains that are mite resistant. If I was still pollenating with 20 hives I would go with gassing but with no more than 4 I'm going with ease and...
  5. 5Australorpasaures

    The Wally-Gee Bee Journey 🐝

    Ain't it PURRTY! :thumbsup
  6. 5Australorpasaures

    The Honey Factory

    When you say the bees were running all around are they queenless. Did your queen move with the split leaving no queen rearing opportunities in the original hive? Just a thought.
  7. 5Australorpasaures

    The Honey Factory

    Good idea to have your guy take a look. Hopefully you can get a handle on what's goin' on. It's still only June so there is time for honey. I'm looking at 90 lbs +/- that the bees are taking their good ol' time capping, I know buy the end of the month I'll be extracting and this year I'm letting...
  8. 5Australorpasaures

    The Honey Factory

    I don't buy waxed foundation, I coat it myself with our wax and sweeten the deal with some honey mixed with the wax and do this just before the bees are ready for another "box". The wax will lose it's appeal if the foundation sits around. Never had a problem with wonky comb using this method.
  9. 5Australorpasaures

    Question of the Day - Saturday, June 1st, 2024

    I honestly don't know, it occupies a spot on top of the refrigerator dead as a stone, Have no use for it.
  10. 5Australorpasaures

    The Honey Factory

    I know what you're saying, one cool puff across the top is enough during the flow, and really haven't needed much more during the derth.
  11. 5Australorpasaures

    The Honey Factory

    It helps, still have syrup and half pollen patties on NUC picked up May 4 and the 5 foundations are drawn and filled with all stages of brood and stores added another deep today and still feeding syrup. Not going to bother them for any honey this Fall. Might be sugar syrup mixed in with it any...
  12. 5Australorpasaures

    How many chickens have you had over the years

    Had a batch of 75 back in the late 80s or somewhere in that time.
  13. 5Australorpasaures

    The Honey Factory

    Too hot to get dressed. Lifted a frame of eggs, larva and capped brood into a new added deep on the NUC. Meant to do this last week but got pressed with other things. 100% drawn bottom deep, almost got caught, no capped or drawn queen cells.
  14. 5Australorpasaures

    The Honey Factory

    Working from the back I never really gave it a thought, never really had any aggression from any of the strain I have now. Years ago had a super strong and overly aggressive hive, great producer, had to work fully suited. I went in expecting to get whacked and they never disappointed me! :lau
  15. 5Australorpasaures

    Question of the Day - Friday, May 31st, 2024

    I do like classical music and play it often on a 6 pack CD, but don't really care who composed it. They all have their merit.
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