Backyard Hencam

My name is Lee. My husband and I live with six hens and three labradoodles on an acre in the beautiful coastal town of Cambria, along the central coast between San Francisco and L.A. in California. The temperature is moderate here, averaging in the 60’s and 70’s throughout the year. This mild climate allows the hens to be outside every day. They’re confined to their indoor coop and outdoor run most of the time as our town is inhabited not only by people, but by preditors such as foxes, raccoons, coyotes, hawks, and occasionally by a mountain lion. We let them out to free run when we are gardening and can supervise them.

My husband was the chief henhouse architect and builder. He also took charge of outdoor technology for our hencam project "Backyard Hencam" and shares in the responsibility of caring for our flock. We find our hens to be quite entertaining and took on this hencam project so that we could share their antics with others. Each evening we sit in the garden and enjoy visiting with our hens. A glass of wine or beer helps!

I am a certified Master Gardener and pass on information that I’ve learned through this program on my gardening blog "Central Coast Gardening".
December 10
California Central Coast
Real Name
Lee Oliphant
Why do you want to join our community?
Love to learn!
Happily retired.


"Regard it as just as desirable to build a chicken house as to build a cathedral.” Frank Lloyd Wright

See hens streaming on web camera at Backyard Hencam
Gardening blog at Central Coast Gardening




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