Recent content by beartooth

  1. beartooth

    The Welsummer Thread!!!!

    Hi all first time raising chicks and not sure if these 8 week olds are welsummers or Easter eggers? Or even brown leghorns?! So confusing! Lol
  2. beartooth

    White Leghorn, the forgotten breed

    Howdy all I'm new to the chicken world as I have 18 5 week old chicks from Murray McMurry . I bought the Murrys choice deal and have 2 chicks that are all white and was trying to figure out what breed they are. Is it to early to determine if they are leghorns and are there any ways to tell...
  3. beartooth

    Newbie questions on my first coop

    Hi all! I'm new to chickens and this forum as our family just recently bought 25 chicks from Murray McMurry hatchery. They are already 6 weeks old and we r amazed at the speed in which the lil Devils grow! Gonna put em out to our coop which is just an old pigstall from our very old barn which I...
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