Recent content by Belovedturkey

  1. B

    Urgent limping chicken

    My chicken has finally fully healed, giving her more vitamins and electrolytes helped and a lot of all the vitamin b’s. My chicken wasn’t that bothered by her leg she still at drank ran etc so if yours is more serious I don’t know if you should separate her bit in my case I didn’t have to...
  2. B

    Broody or sick

    Yes she is a buff Orpington, I’ll see about broody jail but I’m low on room right now
  3. B

    Broody or sick

    I’m only confused because at this point she’s not even sitting on eggs just in a nesting box and we have no roosters
  4. B

    Broody or sick

    Thanks for all the help I’ve never had a broody hen before because I don’t have roosters. I did suspect that the pecking was normal but I wanted to make sure and I’ve already checked she doesn’t have mites or lice.
  5. B

    Broody or sick

    I have a broody hen who has been broody for around five days, I’ve been trying to break her by taking her out but it’s not working and I’m starting to wonder if this is normal because recently she’s started itching or pruning every time she’s not laying down and if she’s not brooding she’s...
  6. B

    What breed is my black chicken

    I’m trying to figure out what breed my sick chicken is so I can figure out how often she should be laying. She is a black skinned and feathered chicken and has a puff of hair like a Mohawk that makes her comb really small and a bit squished . She also has an extra toe on each foot
  7. B

    Mycoplasma what to do

    Noeta (the sick hen) is doing very good, I got home and saw that her eyes are both open and not bubbly and she’s eating and drinking. I did hear her sneeze so I’ll keep her separated another day to make sure she’s good but she’s getting better and has almost her normal energy back
  8. B

    Mycoplasma what to do

    Her attitude has improved and her poop is now normal instead of liquidy she just still has bubbly eyes but it’s a lot better that it was
  9. B

    Mycoplasma what to do

    Ok, she is not laying right now and i can’t usually tell her eggs apart as they are light brown like most of the others so I won’t use any meds that have egg withdrawal times. And I’ll do my best until the tylosin comes
  10. B

    Mycoplasma what to do

    Yes I found that out but my dad is insisting that it will work so I’ll just make sure to tell him that it won’t
  11. B

    Mycoplasma what to do

    I have erythromycin does that have an egg withdrawal and should I treat her with it
  12. B

    Mycoplasma what to do

    Does ivermectin treat mycoplasma or diseases like it
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