Recent content by Chikenshiken

  1. Chikenshiken

    Help! Can I clip wings?

    You could clip her wings but you would have to ensure during molts that when they grow back it’s clipped immediately. I would not trim one just because I had a duck with one clipped wing who rode the wind to get over the fence with her one wing and was killed by two dogs. But if your chicken...
  2. Chikenshiken

    Prevention for egg perintosis?

    I know how the condition works. I’m studying for poultry research in college. I was just following whatever my vet prescribed and I will not be getting a necropsy because it makes me uncomfortable and I’ve already buried my hen. She had already been prescribed amoxicillin potassium before...
  3. Chikenshiken

    Prevention for egg perintosis?

    Thank you for everyone’s condolences. It means a lot to me. As well as the advice for calcium. Here is a thread of some pictures of her if anyone is interested. It’s just a tribute to my chicken
  4. Chikenshiken

    I lost my first chicken yesterday

    I just wanted to make a tribute post to my beautiful baby Kerropi. I could not have asked for a better chicken and she loved me as much as I loved her. Every Halloween we went trick or treating and every day we’d go together to the bus stop to pick up my sister. Words cannot express how having...
  5. Chikenshiken

    Prevention for egg perintosis?

    Thank you for the responses. Unfortunately I had to put her down yesterday because she wasn’t responding to any treatments. I talked further with my vet about the two tumms and she said calcium was important for things like muscle contractions etc and egg peritonitis robs the body of calcium...
  6. Chikenshiken

    Best chickens, in terms of health?

    I heard reproductive issues are just higher in big productive breeds. But are reproductive issues just random? I’m still a little confused how it works, I know that when a chicken stops laying eggs usually high production the egg yolk builds up in their system and causes abdominal bloating. Will...
  7. Chikenshiken

    Best chickens, in terms of health?

    After getting my first chickens at 16 I didn’t know how bad later year health problems were. I’m 19 now and my chickens are old and having issues because of their breed (reproductive issues) and it hurts to see them this way and I never want to go through this again honestly When I decide to...
  8. Chikenshiken

    Crop help please!

    Is there any thread for slow crop cures? Everyone keeps directing me to the one link for sour crop and impact crop cures but I can’t find anything about slow crop. Is it the same procedure?
  9. Chikenshiken

    Crop help please!

    I’m having the same issue with my hen as a secondary problem to reproductive issues, if the crop doesn’t empty all the way at night does that immediately indicate sour crop/impacted crop or is it sometimes normal for chickens crops to not empty all the way through the night As I said, exact...
  10. Chikenshiken

    Huge watery crop after abdominal drainage, please help!

    I have gone to my vet multiple times and everytime it seems like the answer is wrong. Went to the vet originally for crop issues and running feces. thought it was bacteria (I have no doubt this may also have been an issue), was given antibiotics, turns out it was a reproductive issue causing...
  11. Chikenshiken

    Huge watery crop after abdominal drainage, please help!

    I’m confused only because she was drained recently, therefore getting rid of any previous pressure. She was extremely perky and running around right after her drainage and now a few days post drainage and post getting off of antibiotics, she’s having crop issues that now seem unrelated to that...
  12. Chikenshiken

    Huge watery crop after abdominal drainage, please help!

    An update to anyone who may have answers: I had just gotten home from a trip to find her so lethargic she couldn’t even jump into the coop. Her crop is huge and filled with water. Even when I hold her it pushes out and she tilts her head up to drink back any fluid that she “vomited” from me...
  13. Chikenshiken

    What’s wrong with my chicken hen?

    Both. Mine lost about 2 pounds as well as a swollen abdomen. This caused her legs to splay out and she would penguin walk. She was diagnosed with a reproductive issue that also causes slow crop. She was drained at the vet and took out probably 3 cups of yellowish liquid from her body. If your...
  14. Chikenshiken

    What’s wrong with my chicken hen?

    I have started another thread with only one responder this morning that’s why I’m looking at some other threads with the same issues
  15. Chikenshiken

    What’s wrong with my chicken hen?

    I am having the same issue right now with a known reproductive issue. She has already been treated/is on medication for her reproductive issue now but her crop (two days after a drainage of the abdomen) is once again slow. Should I fast her, will this go away on its own?
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