Recent content by Chikn-Wisperer

  1. C

    Chicken Mansion, but no chickens. (New Ideas Welcome, mostly just a read about my struggles)

    My wife bought the chicks first. We ended building something in the garage to keep them in. This was probably around April-May 2020. I built a chicken coop 20'x8' with a pitched roof from plans I found on youtube. It took until Sept-Oct 2020 to finally get chicks to stay inside most of the day...
  2. C

    Help baby chick has strange bugs on it

    We use Elector PSP. We saw a video on youtube about this. It's expensive, but non-toxic. You don't have to worry about a bird (or yourself) breathing in dust. You just use a spray bottle to squirt the stuff on your bird(s), and that's it. You can use it to spray bedding, coop, etc, too. YT:
  3. C

    Our poor chicken had gout

    Thank you, Cate1124. We love our chickens and hanging out in the backyard with them. We think these might be our last chickens, but we just don't know yet. They are so sweet. Maybe those type of decisions are the price for having them in our lives.
  4. C

    Our poor chicken had gout

    Thanks for the kind words. She was so kind, gentle, and curious. I still miss her greatly. We also have another chik'n whose had cancer since early 2023, if not earlier. We are using amikacyn (sp?) and deramaxx on her. She gets her belly drained regularly, but we are needing "luck" to get more...
  5. C

    Our poor chicken had gout

    We put down our chicken today. She had gout. She had swelling of her feet for the past 1-2 weeks, but the gout may have occurred even before then. Our vet said that if we caught it early by testing kidney function, there was some treatment, but with the swelling it's like she's walking on razor...
  6. C

    Sick chicken and I'm inexperienced, please help?

    We've had bad luck with chicks bought from Tractor Supply. 6 out of 7 chickens purchased at TSC are already dead due to Marek's disease. One is still alive, but she has cancer due to Marek's disease. They were fine for the 1st 2 years, and in the 3rd year started getting sick. It's a minor...
  7. C

    Dark red lump under wing

    If you can find a vet that knows about chickens, they can help a lot when these kind of things happen.
  8. C

    Tractor supply or hatchery?

    Buy them from a hatchery that properly vaccinates their birds for Marek's disease. We bought several chicks from TSC and all are dead from Marek's and the cancer they get due to Marek's, except for one. She will die, too, from cancer. But she has a stubborn will to live.
  9. C

    Tractor Supply has chicks!!!!!

    We got our first and 3rd batch of chickens from Tractor Supply. All but one has died from Marek's disease. They all got cancer. There is one still living that has tumors, but she has a stubborn will to live. We've taken them all to the vet to get treatment. Treatment has been very expensive. One...
  10. C


    FYI: It looks like McMurray's no longer offers pullets. They say to look at the marketplace on their web site for places that do.
  11. C


    Hi Eggcessive, I was told specifically on how to avoid Marek's disease from chickens by getting properly vaccinated pullets. This includes keeping the baby chicks away from older chickens who may carry Marek's and letting the baby chickens grow into pullets in order to build up their immunity. I...
  12. C


    We've been struck hard by Marek's disease. It was mostly the chickens from TSC. All of our 1st chickens have died from the TSC group. We have another one who has Marek's (from 3rd group, also from TSC) and may soon pass from a tumor caused by Marek's. We lost of couple other chickens not from...
  13. C

    Attaching hardware cloth to run. Inside or outside?

    For our original coop I sandwiched the hardware cloth between 2x4's. I used a crown stapler to attach the hw cloth. I wanted to get the look of what they did with one of the carolina coop builds. When we added a chik'n run to the original coop, I used 4x4's, but stapled the hw cloth to the...
  14. C

    Please help dying hen!

    Dr Rupiper, from East Petaluma Animal Hospital.
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