Recent content by daniellea2912

  1. daniellea2912

    Hen walking on hocks. Don't know what to do. Please help!

    So sorry to hear that was the outcome :( thank you so much for responding! I'll check for those things and keep up with the vitamins.
  2. daniellea2912

    Hen walking on hocks. Don't know what to do. Please help!

    What ended up happening with this hen? I have one that's showing very similar signs :(
  3. daniellea2912

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    @autumnhearth I couldn't figure out how to reply to your comment on Olive's picture so I'll just reply and attach pics here! My girls did great over the winter, I don't use artificial heat and only had a few with large combs that got a teensy bit of frost bite on the very tips of their combs...
  4. daniellea2912

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    That makes sense. I have a mixture breed wise... Buff orp, barred rock, red sexlink, 2 black Ameraucanas, 4 easter eggers, 2 CCL's 2 welsummers, a cochin, and a speckled sussex. I'll be getting 5 females: Olive egger, lav orp, buckeye, exch leghorn (may cancel if I get a 2nd polish) and one...
  5. daniellea2912

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    I have 15 hens now. They are in an approx 12x14 ft shed at night and out in a pretty large pasture (it's an old backyard) during the day, if weather permits... If it's in the teens or lower and windy during the day I'll keep them inside. ETA- sorry forgot to add the chicks I am getting this...
  6. daniellea2912

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    I wondered if any of you who have polish in your flocks could answer a few questions for me pretty please? I'm thinking of adding some polish to my Meyer chick order for April. Firstly, I am in central Ohio- do yours have issues with cold? It says on the Meyer website they do poorly in cold, but...
  7. daniellea2912

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    I do trim it, she gets it dremmeled every other week or so. I can't get it back to normal length though due to the quick being too long :(
  8. daniellea2912

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    Thank you for the pictures of your polish! I just love my CCL's poufs so I don't  think I will be able to resist a polish with super pouf this year ;)  Now to decide what coloring to get.  I really love the coloring of both of the ones you shared...   How many eggs do you usually get a week from...
  9. daniellea2912

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    I hadn't updated on Beardies status bc I didn't want to jinx it, but she seems to be over the hump! Up a half a pound between Tuesday and Thursday :) still watching her very closely and checking her crop a few times a day (which is getting harder to do as she has returned to usual skittish...
  10. daniellea2912

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    I offered her some yogurt while she was inside earlier last week but she didn't seem to be into it so much. Gave her some yesterday and she ate a tablespoon or so. I did have an egg yesterday that had a small crack so I scrambled it up and gave it to her with some probiotics mixed in this...
  11. daniellea2912

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    Beardie seems to be holding her own, each day she has eaten a little more for me (I tried softened feed but found she was much more interested in canned cat food so I've been going with that). Im gonna start the probiotics tomorrow. Tonight her crop was more full than it had been for awhile so...
  12. daniellea2912

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    Thank you all for the info Beardie continues to act better and better but hasnt put any weight back in which worries me, shes down to just a little over 3 lbs and she was regularly over 5 (granted she was a bit chubby at that point) I brought her inside for a little over 24 hours to monitor...
  13. daniellea2912

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    I know this is a little off topic for this thread but I figured some of you have a lot more experience with molting than I do (my oldest chickens are around 18 months so this is their first hard molt). One of my EE hens, Beardie, really molted hard, for a week or 2 she was basically half pin...
  14. daniellea2912

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    Ok thanks! No rush, not like I'm tryna change super soon or anything :) I actually did a little research about building something for protection from hawks. Most seem to be a shelter that's just high enough for the chickens to fit under (sorta like a super short table) which I am planning to...
  15. daniellea2912

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    Hope you don't mind me asking a few questions about this feed Do you know if it is separated whole grains or pelleted? Is there a brand name? I visit a friend in Louisville every month or every other month, so I could possibly pick up while I am down there. I have yet to find any nearby me and...
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