Recent content by dmanhefner

  1. dmanhefner

    I got hit hard last night

    If you would like to try again you may put guinea eggs or keets under a broody chicken and it will raise them. They will roost where she roosts.
  2. dmanhefner

    Coon Massacre

    Well I suppose if it has to do with stuff killing my chickens or someone else's and how to kill that stuff that is killing my chickens or help someone else deal with said chicken killing stuff then label me a serial killer and carry on.
  3. dmanhefner

    Coon Massacre

    If you do it right they will die from oxygen starvation. Done correctly they will have no access to oxygen.
  4. dmanhefner

    Coon Massacre

    Do air rifles count as weapons? .22 pellet guns will kill them outright lights out at rangers up to 50 to 75 yards and .177 will do if it's in a live trap. For raccoons and traps I like dog proof traps, Google for example of those. You need strong hands to set them. Coons are sometimes hard to...
  5. dmanhefner

    What predator killed one of my girls? :'( unpleasant pic in post

    That looks a lot like an owls work.
  6. dmanhefner

    Watery/foamy on left eye

    Really I would just keep her isolated on clean dry bedding and warm for a few days and watch her behavior. Pay attention to any unusual smells. I wouldn't give meds without trying the above first. If she takes a sudden turn consider vet for testing. Viral conditions not treatable with meds, many...
  7. dmanhefner

    Watery/foamy on left eye

    Comb spot is from pecked Eye is serious separate from current flock immediately and do not cross contaminate clothing etc from sick chicken too main flock. Could be any of a number of issues but all mandate immediate isolation.
  8. dmanhefner

    Rookie Move: Brought home sick chickens

    You can call the state vet and ask them which ones to do if you want to go that route. They will tell you what to collect, how etc. They were very helpful for me, of course I'm in Texas but from what I have seen on the forum most states are.
  9. dmanhefner

    Rookie Move: Brought home sick chickens

    I am really sorry you are having the issues you are but it is not your fault. Not everyone who sells birds locally has a stand up attitude, and others are just ignorant about problems. You got sold chickens with a number of issues, whether it was done with intent to deceive or out of ignorance...
  10. dmanhefner

    Found worms! Freaking out!

    I would like to point out that there are withdrawal periods for most of the products used for deworming chickens including wazine. These products are also not labeled or studied for use in laying hens. My point is that an every 30 day worming regimen for livestock such as poultry is probably not...
  11. dmanhefner

    What killed my duck? (Warning: GRAPHIC pic)

    I doubt that little fellow ate your duck. Hawks usually make a feather explosion when they eat,and when owls eat them it looks like someone cut them up with scissors. They also eat most of the feathers and if you leave the body out they will come back and get it the next night.
  12. dmanhefner

    Graphic photo - lost one of my girls yesterday

    Hawk. Owls eat then at dusk, night if they are uncovered and just before day break. Hawks make the feather bomb you have there, owls it will looks like someone cut pieces off your chicken with scissors. They usually eat the head, neck, and cut through the back to eat the heart lungs and liver...
  13. dmanhefner

    What predator just eats the head and a little more?

    If what you described happened during the day that sounds a lot like a hawk or owl. Owls feed until about the time the sun gets under the horizon to right before it comes over. Hawks feed when the owls dont. I have lost a number of birds to owls the tell tale signs are head and neck eaten and...
  14. dmanhefner

    Any idea what these are?

    I would spend some time reading up on chicken illnesses. If your current birds are not sick these new additions will pass whatever they have to them even if they appear better after a treatment regimen. This is would not be the case if they were perhaps on wet bedding or dirty conditions and...
  15. dmanhefner

    Agressive Chickens

    Leghorns by nature are flighty.
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