Recent content by DukesDucks

  1. DukesDucks

    Official BYC Poll: How often do you change your chickens' water in hot weather?

    Chickens, ducks, guinea fowl and peacocks. Water holders cleaned and filled every morning. Checked and refreshed as necessary after lunch. Emptied every evening. Depending on size of each group, 2 sources of water provided.
  2. DukesDucks

    Runt keet

    Thanks for the reassurance. Not sure what to do with it. I know what I should do but it is so darn cute. I confess to having a mni-horse. lol
  3. DukesDucks

    Runt keet

    Interesting info, thank you. How common is it. I'll be watching future hatchings to see how frequently this happens with my current flock. I don't know how I could ever tell which pairing have this gene. Would I need to replace all the males or females?
  4. DukesDucks

    Runt keet

    From my first batch of incubated guinea eggs, one has turned out to be a runt. Despite the fact it is active, eating, drinking and doing keet things, it is not getting any bigger. From my readings here, it sound like there is nothing else I can do as this is a genetic condition. A second batch...
  5. DukesDucks

    Selling Duck Eggs

    I set my price for any eggs based on researching local prices on sites like Kijiji and Facebook forums.
  6. DukesDucks

    Chick on day 41, help!

    IMO looks like shrink wrapping. You need to keep that inner membrane from drying out. Try doing some searching on this site for treatments for shrink wrap.
  7. DukesDucks

    Sexing Easter Egger chicks

    I thought some pics might help explain. All the same age.
  8. DukesDucks

    Sexing Easter Egger chicks

    I have 18 2 week old Easter Egger/BYM chicks. They are for sale but I would like to keep some if they are pullets. Is there any reliability to the 'wing test'. Although there is a variety of colours, 8 of them have distinctly longer wings already reaching their butts. Could they be females...
  9. DukesDucks

    Canadians check in here....

    That was a crazy few days in Eastern Ontario. Thankfully did not lose power as I also have eggs in incubators. Snow storm, rain, and now +12 today. In the path of the total eclipse tomorrow. No wonder egg laying has been hit and miss
  10. DukesDucks

    Does touching the eggs hurt them?

    I use a pencil to mark date. I also mark things like X and O on opposite sides to ensure they are properly turned.
  11. DukesDucks

    Ducklings jumping in water

    Best to use a water source that they can dunk their heads in but not be able to climb into.
  12. DukesDucks


    IMO ducklings should be several months old before getting treats. Even then, treats should be only a very small portion of their diet. Would a child rather eat candy than vegetables. lol. Other treats can be slowly introduced to see if they like them. Other peoples' ducks love peas and mine...
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