Recent content by HollowOfWisps

  1. HollowOfWisps


    My grandma’s other favorites were all soap operas so heartland is the less dramatic option for me if you can believe it😂
  2. HollowOfWisps

    Survey on what people are raising.

    Cannibalistic demons (chickens) and some sweet ducks😂
  3. HollowOfWisps


    Oh definitely😂 It came out when I was around 11 I think and used to watch it with my grandma. She passed so every year around when she died I like to rewatch it again simply because it’s nostalgic for me.
  4. HollowOfWisps


    My son does😂 We were watching Heartland today and it was the episode with the “Zorse” (although I’m pretty sure they used a badly painted horse). He is now convinced that we need a Zorse 🤦‍♀️
  5. HollowOfWisps


    It was especially when you go there expecting chickens, cows and ponies😅
  6. HollowOfWisps


    I saw some camels, a wallaby, capybaras and ostriches for sale at a livestock auction I went to. I thought I was at the wrong place at first😅
  7. HollowOfWisps

    Then of course a crazy storm blew in when I was gone. It was bad enough that the door frame even...

    Then of course a crazy storm blew in when I was gone. It was bad enough that the door frame even had to be fixed. This wasn’t some little coop door either it was an actual steel man door. The whole situation was beyond weird and like something out of a movie, but my sister is back to as normal...
  8. HollowOfWisps

    It’s getting better I guess is the best way to describe it. My sister was in an accident and...

    It’s getting better I guess is the best way to describe it. My sister was in an accident and when she woke up she had complete amnesia. She could not remember anything except that I was her sister. She didn’t recognize anyone who was there at the hospital including her boyfriend, my parents, my...
  9. HollowOfWisps

    I figured I would update on why I have been off for so long. I had a family emergency that...

    I figured I would update on why I have been off for so long. I had a family emergency that required me to fly last minute across the country. While I was gone the coop door flew open due to extreme high winds and the person watching my ducks did not find it until it was too late. My Hookbill...
  10. HollowOfWisps

    Duck will not stand

    I agree with @Miss Lydia and I would add that you should cut out the cooked rice and minimize the amount of fruits/veggies to just a small treat now and then. Ducks will fill up on rice, their stomachs feel extra full and then they eat less of their actual feed which can lead to deficiencies...
  11. HollowOfWisps


    Those prices aren’t too bad or at least better than around here early this spring. When I first started pony shopping this year I was told to set my budget at $10,000-$20,000 for a beginner pony I was like whaaa that’s insane?😭 If I was looking for my kids a little rodeo or eventing pony sure...
  12. HollowOfWisps


    I’m curious, what is the average price range for a good kids pony in your area? Not a fancy show pony just a beginner pony that’s not on deaths door. I was shocked by how much they are going for in my area. I don’t mind paying for a good horse, but goodness have ponies gone up in $$$.
  13. HollowOfWisps


    For me it is situational. I think giving treats as your sole motivator and your only means of positive reinforcement is a big no. Thats how you end up with a horse that mugs you for treats and I have been bit in the hip/butt too many times by someone’s horse who thinks everyone’s pockets contain...
  14. HollowOfWisps


    Well I guess I can’t blame him too much I’m not a big fan of running either😂
  15. HollowOfWisps

    My chicken stopped laying!

    A jump in hot temperatures can definitely cause a chicken to stop laying and act a little off. Temperature affects each chicken differently just like it does with people. Certain breeds can also be more prone to heat issues. What breed is she?
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