Recent content by itsasmallfarm

  1. itsasmallfarm

    Any Gamers Here?

    never played luigis mansion 3? did not really enjoy the first one on 3ds but really enjoyed dark moon on 3ds.
  2. itsasmallfarm

    The Honey Factory

    people are just starting to un wrap the hives around here. from winter. another week or two and will un-wrap ours.
  3. itsasmallfarm

    Does anyone make mead?

    i have made a few batches of mead, beer, cider and wine (plus vinegar). am far far from a expert. but its great hobby. i make it from extra honey we have after the run is over.
  4. itsasmallfarm

    Are you mentally prepared for this?

    well depends on province or state to be honest. here in Saskatchewan any predator that endangers you or your live stock can be shot and killed, coyotes and coons are open season here. plus the fur of lots of predators can be sold (if you have a trapping license follow all rules and regs us...
  5. itsasmallfarm

    Electrical fence - What non flying predators will it deter?

    i a standard fence one for coyotes and coons around my coop. so far so good with them it will not stop weasels, minks, rabbits or squirrels. i use two for my bees up north, (one around bees and the other around it and the garden near by) so far stops bears pretty good, how ever elk and deer...
  6. itsasmallfarm

    Any Gamers Here?

    just started another run in Grim dawn and picked up diablo 4 on sale a week back, playing them on steam deck.
  7. itsasmallfarm

    The Gun Thread

    just got back from bear hunting (more bear baiting at the moment) still got to sight in my Husqvarna rifle, so the sks went up instead.
  8. itsasmallfarm

    Graphic pic warning: A hard to catch ermine- GOT IT.

    No problem, sorry to hear about the loss. yes weasels are really bad, am a trapper who catches a few each winter (along with raccoons), i always try and tell people to use a method that should avoid un-wanted damage to wild life, us trappers get a bad rap from the anti crowd more then...
  9. itsasmallfarm

    The Honey Factory

    not yet, my bees are a few hours away and i did not have time to find out the cause, will do when am back up there in a few weeks.
  10. itsasmallfarm

    The Gun Thread

    Not to be that guy, but beaver hides are going for like 30 USD (40 CAD) each for 30 beavers and a sack of grain could get you something pretty nice haha.
  11. itsasmallfarm

    The Honey Factory

    well checked my hives a few days ago, Bad winter here, lost quite a few hives, guess this years plan is to split, split and split.
  12. itsasmallfarm

    What’s your favorite show(s)?

    favorite tv show? South park.
  13. itsasmallfarm

    Graphic pic warning: A hard to catch ermine- GOT IT.

    please don't poison the weasel, you don't know what will get into the poison or what will eat the dead animal effected by said poison. i would use weasel boxes with a rat trap.
  14. itsasmallfarm

    Any Gamers Here?

    just started playing shining pearl on switch.
  15. itsasmallfarm

    What did you do in the garden today?

    wanted to say thank you! i just ordered some sugar beet seeds and going to try making some sugar from them this fall.
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