Recent content by Jaclyn34

  1. J

    Chicken choosing to roost in an unsuitable spot

    I have a hen who constantly chooses to roost on a bar where she doesn’t fit. She’s much bigger than my other hens and there isn’t enough clearance between the roost and the wall for her butt, so to fit she has to kind of balance sideways. The thing is, we have another much larger roost where...
  2. J

    Sour crop Please Help!!!

    so we had a hen who was extremely ill with sour croup - wasn’t emptying at all. Got so bad that we took her to the vet to to have her put down. We had tried all the home remedies you can possibly try and all the over-the-counter remedies you can try. She just wasn’t getting any better. The vet...
  3. J

    Euthanasia fail - can’t get over it

    The title pretty much says it all, I put down one of my hens - my favourite hen- nearly a week ago. She had been sick for weeks and no matter what we did she didn’t seem to be getting any better. There are no vets in our area that see chickens. The day I made the decision, she was mostly just...
  4. J

    Worms in poop? Please help identify

    I keep finding what looks to me like worms in some of the poop on my property. I have already wormed my chickens with piperazine dihydrochoride. Any thoughts if I need to deworm again with something else? Thanks in advance for any thoughts.
  5. J

    Deworming with piperazine Dihydrochoride

    Hi Everyone, I have 4 hens and found poop with roundworm today, so I'm trying to deworm. I'm pretty new at this. I've already figured out that I need about 5g (5.12) for all 4 chickens of the medication. My question is, is there a way to measure this medication without weighing it? I don't have...
  6. J

    Yet another (Canada based) de-worming thread! (GROSS PIC WARNING)

    I know this is an old thread but how much did you give each hen of the Piperazine? I'm having a terrible time working out the dosage
  7. J

    Yet another (Canada based) de-worming thread! (GROSS PIC WARNING)

    I know this is an old thread, but I'm trying to figure out dosing for 4 hens with Piperazine Dihrdrochoride and having a terrible time with it. What dose did you use?
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