Recent content by Jen16

  1. J

    Adding 1 or 2 geese to a small duck flock?

    Did you try it? I’m thinking about doing the same thing and curious how it went for you. I would prefer 1 goose. Would make or female be better?
  2. J

    Duck leg problems

    I feed her a poultry layer feed from tractor supply. I did switch her a while back to a duck feed but didn’t notice much difference. No respiratory issues and no one else in the flock has problems. How do I give her the B complex and niacin? Do you think this is reversible or more to help it not...
  3. J

    Duck leg problems

    I have a female duck with leg problems and I don’t know what the cause is. A couple years ago I noticed her walking a little funny with her feet starting to turn inwards. Over time, it has gotten progressively worse and now her elbows are huge and she gets around slowly. I’ve tried dieting...
  4. J

    Duck egg pipped on bottom, should I rotate egg?

    Update: I left him alone and duckling hatched no problem. Took about 30 hours from external pip.
  5. J

    Duck egg pipped on bottom, should I rotate egg?

    Duck egg day 27. We are at least 24 hours since external pip. He pipped on the opposite side of the air cell and towards the bottom of the egg. When his beak pokes through the hole, the best I can tell he is sitting upside down in there. Should I rotate the egg?
  6. J

    Day 31 duck egg is it still alive?

    Thank you everyone for your replies. Do you agree the air cell was too small?
  7. J

    Day 31 duck egg is it still alive?

    I’ve been incubating a duck egg. The egg is 31 days. Everything seemed to progress as it should until about day 27, I’ve seen no evidence of life since then. No movement, no chirping. I’ve been candling daily hoping to see any sign of movement or an internal pip. After much research, I realized...
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