Recent content by Kris10S

  1. K

    Egg bound or not?

    Thanks everyone! She ended up recovering completely, thank God! We’re actually not sure what the problem was. She was inside for 3-4 days with us but started improving after a couple. She never passed an egg while inside. But after she was acting fine and we put her back out with the flock, we...
  2. K

    Egg bound or not?

    Ok. Right now we have pellets. So egg binding can lead to crop impaction? We haven’t done any deworming, just treated them for coccidiosis in the summer with Corid. Last poop was normal chicken droppings color, but my daughter thought it was runnier than it should be.
  3. K

    Egg bound or not?

    We don’t know what’s wrong with our girl. No egg passed and her crop seems impacted now. Do chickens get lethargic with impacted crop? We’re going to try withholding food, giving her extra grit and water, and keeping her comfy inside. She did eat a whole scrambled egg a few hours ago. But we...
  4. K

    Egg bound or not?

    Thank you! That’s good to know about the extra calcium. We do give them crushed eggshells and oyster shells regularly. She’s about the same this morning. No egg laid.
  5. K

    Egg bound or not?

    Thank you! We got calcium into her tonight and will see how she is in the morning.
  6. K

    Egg bound or not?

    Thank you! We do that often, but maybe not enough?
  7. K

    Egg bound or not?

    Thank you! I’m going to get the calcium now. I’m seeing different opinions on giving as tablets vs dissolved. Any thoughts there?
  8. K

    Egg bound or not?

    We have an Easter Egger hen, almost 1 year old, who started acting egg bound today. She’s not up and moving around, not very interested in food, and just wants to sit. She’s puffing out her feathers extra and her tail is drooping down. She was fine yesterday. Poop seems a little runny and she...
  9. K

    Hi! New member here from Ohio

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? We’re raising our first backyard flock now. They’re about 18 weeks old. Hoping for eggs soon! My 11-yr-old daughter wanted chickens so badly, so they were her birthday gift. She’s the main caretaker. (2) How many chickens do you...
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