Recent content by Luv Ducks

  1. L

    How to keep raccoons away??

    Sorry, I misunderstood.
  2. L

    Duck Phallus Prolapse - Surgery Anxiety

    When my little Call Duck had this problem, I did not have access to a vet. I have also heard that putting a duck under sedation is risky anyways. I actually looked on Youtube and decided I would do it myself. He had about an inch of his phallus out that was a round ball of greenish brown and...
  3. L

    How to keep raccoons away??

    I have Nite Guard lights on all sides of my pen at eye level for a coon. That has kept most of ours at bay. I did trap two a while back that got two of my babies that were still peeping stage which I heard later on was an attraction for them. We disposed of them as they say it is illegal to...
  4. L

    Is a coop that opens to a run with a roof secure at night so we can leave the door open?

    I would think it would depend on what type of predators you have. I use Nite Guard lights attached at eye level along the sides of my pen on all sides along with netting over the top. They have 6 foot chain link with netting over that to keep out wild birds. For the most part that has kept...
  5. L

    Injured duck help

    My two huge Rouen drakes are starting to get feisty and my friend is not taking my drakes now until late July. If I see them hurting my females they will be separated until she can come and get them. They have gotten sooooo big!!! My little Calls try to get on my girls but at least don't hurt...
  6. L

    Injured duck help

    You are most welcome, I did get her away from the drake for a while and she did heal up but it took a while. I didn't realize at the time that could happen or that a drake could hurt them like that. I ended up getting rid of them shortly after that as they kept flying away and I would have to...
  7. L

    Ducks attacked by rats - how to clean the wound? (Warning, picture)

    That's what I thought I was looking at. I am surprised they can make it with that much damage done to them. I am so happy that they are still alive and seem to be doing well. I am glad that you shared this in case someone else has a situation like this and they know there is hope at least.
  8. L

    Injured duck help

    I had a Muscovy years ago that limped for quite a while due to a drake over mating her. I did not realize at the time that was the problem. She eventually got over it though and I pray that yours does too.
  9. L

    Ducks attacked by rats - how to clean the wound? (Warning, picture)

    How are your ducks doing now???? I pray that they made it alright. I thought the initial wound was deeper than just the feathers missing. The picture is deceiving.
  10. L

    my duckling won’t open its eye all the way

    Can you please tell me, is he alright??????
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    They look like dinner to me if they are doing that to your duck.
  12. L

    The Quack Shack

    So cute!!!!
  13. L

    OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

    Beautiful ducklings and ducks and I love that Lake!!!
  14. L

    my duckling won’t open its eye all the way

    How is he doing today? I hope that things are better.
  15. L

    my duckling won’t open its eye all the way

    Please keep me posted as to how he is doing.
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