Recent content by Minanora

  1. Minanora

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I water-bath tomatoes. I do add a bit of lemon juice when I'm using low acid or have any doubt on acidity. 40-45 minutes pints-quarts.
  2. Minanora

    What did you do in the garden today?

    This is my life. 😂 I have lots of plants and no real places to put them. We are almost finished getting rid of the goat heads... Been getting rid of them for 10 years. That's a great idea! We call them goat heads and devil burrs Mine only want to eat tree leaves.... Everyone needs a hori...
  3. Minanora

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Make sure you get around the whole root ball. It's best to wait until the plant goes dormant for the year. Depending on what kind of sage. I have several that do not ever go dormant, I totally murdered one moving it, a pineapple sage. ETA: looking back, I think I accidently murdered that plant...
  4. Minanora

    What did you do in the garden today?

    My list is similar, zone 9a here, so not planting cabbage or spinach until late summer. No ground cherry or crook neck squash, and only 'regular' potatoes. But lots of tomatoes, cucumbers, pumpkins, peppers and my garlic will be harvested this weekend! I think about all of the species of edible...
  5. Minanora

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Corn!! I'm stoked with the progress. Worried about the heat wave we're having ruining all our hard work. 😂 It was 98 here today, supposed to break 100 tomorrow. I think the clover is going to die.... That's ok, it was an experiment anyway. DH wants to replace it with fake turf.... I don't...
  6. Minanora

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Me too, if he hadn't kept going backwards I would have been hurt much worse. I did lose the car keys in the lake when it happened, came out of my shallow lady trouser front pocket (we need real pockets), but the next day I made a telescoping magnet pole with one of those floor magnets...
  7. Minanora

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I tried to catch up on the thread but 40 pages was too many. I kept falling behind further. I hurt my back really bad last Sunday. Husband put the boat in reverse really hard and fast when I was trying to get off the bow onto a dock and my back folded backwards, then I plummeted into the lake...
  8. Minanora

    What did you do in the garden today?

    If you wait too long to harvest Asian eggplant varieties they get seedy and pithy. Every variety is a little different for length, color, etc.
  9. Minanora

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I have 7 year old bunching onions that I started from seed. They seed every year and keep on growing. Chicken doodoo ftw! So long as they have lots of damp mulmy leaf litter or wood they leave plant tissue alone. I'm an adult and I still play with them. 😁 I would leave the moles alone if...
  10. Minanora

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I watered and fertilized things today. Battling another mole that has taken up residence in the tunnel of the one I got last week. Never ends. I have responses to previous pages of content saved in my multi quotes. Not enough time to do that this evening. I love all the pictures!!! Everyone's...
  11. Minanora

    Official BYC Poll: How often do you change your chickens' water in hot weather?

    So it really depends here; when it's really hot I change a bit more often, depending on how the nitrifying bacteria and algae are doing in their 5 gallon waterer. I keep it in the shade; and the heat pushes water out so it drains through the day and sucks water back into the tank when it cools...
  12. Minanora

    What did you do in the garden today?

    there's two different ODs for 1/2" there's the 0.634 and 0.700. make sure everything you have works for that .634 you got. The hose bib connectors and fittings I mean. I use a Hori Hori for almost all of my precision weeding; a hula hoe for most everything else; then fire for what I don't want...
  13. Minanora

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Looking fantastic!!!! I love your yard and your girls! :D
  14. Minanora

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Yeah we're in zone 9a here. But we've had a weird season start; much cooler but with bursts of heat that have made my plants look like such drama queens. I go out and look at them all wilty and sad, then check the soil; perfectly moist. Evening rolls around and everyone looks like nothing...
  15. Minanora

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Welcome to the party! I can hardly wait for you to share pictures! This is my first year growing potatoes as well; growing them on accident from peels that were in my compost bin. There's 3 of them in my cucumber/tomatillo/Bell pepper bed. My husband is very excited as he loves potatoes. 🥴...
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