Recent content by Peachychicks

  1. Peachychicks

    7 week old barred rocks?

    Google looks promising! Thanks
  2. Peachychicks

    7 week old barred rocks?

    I have no idea then 😅 that was a guess.
  3. Peachychicks

    7 week old barred rocks?

    Rooster for sure
  4. Peachychicks

    7 week old barred rocks?

    I believe these 3 are roosters…. What is throwing me off is the one with the more white neck…am I correct or could the other two be hens? 🤞🏻
  5. Peachychicks

    Coop help with questions and pics!

    We have a run that is attaching on that side! I forgot to mention that, so it should be fine right?
  6. Peachychicks

    Coop help with questions and pics!

    Hey! Happy Sunday! Trying to finish up this coop today, the previous owners built it. My husband fixed the leaking roof & I cleaned it all out. Now on to questions: 1.) should we put chicken wire where the gaps are for more ventilation or use wood to predator proof? The front and back already...
  7. Peachychicks

    Brooder question

    Hi! Quick question, I have 2 sets of chicks. 10 four weekers and then these 4 (see attached pic) I’m not sure how old they are. The black and yellow one were about a week if that, when I got them so I’m estimating them 5ish? & I really don’t know about the grey 😅 maybe 7? Close to 8? They seem...
  8. Peachychicks

    Is this the start of cocci?

    I have hydro hen I will be using! Thank you so much for the information and chart!
  9. Peachychicks

    Is this the start of cocci?

    I will remember this ! Thank you!
  10. Peachychicks

    Is this the start of cocci?

    Thank you! I will look into your post
  11. Peachychicks

    Is this the start of cocci?

    This is what I also wondered, as I said google was conflicting and I’d rather be safe than sorry!
  12. Peachychicks

    Is this the start of cocci?

    Also forgot to add no chicks seem to be acting off and we’re eating and drinking just fine
  13. Peachychicks

    Is this the start of cocci?

    Hey! New to chicks & I’m worried! We hatched 10 chicks recently, they will be 3 weeks Saturday. Today while doing daily chicken chores I noticed some stool look like this (pic attached), google was conflicting… I went out and bought corrid to be safe and started them on it tonight. Will they...
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