Recent content by pepchickens

  1. pepchickens

    Vent gleet - completely cement-like and impossible to remove?!

    I’m glad Fern could help! Her recovery was fast once I got in the groove with her treatment. I think she went back outside after a week. The baths helped a lot; messy butt = irritated butt. She’s doing great a few weeks later but I did notice some poopy eggs the past day or two. Hope your girl...
  2. pepchickens

    Chicken hospital wing (pun!) in coop?

    Fancy! It looks so nice! That’s a really smart use of space.
  3. pepchickens

    Chicken hospital wing (pun!) in coop?

    …are we supposed to be using poop boards? Also what’s that??
  4. pepchickens

    Chicken hospital wing (pun!) in coop?

    Do any of you keep a space for healing chickens in your coop or run? I have been keeping them inside, but I am getting super sick of it. I use one of those rugged plastic dog crates, and I feel confident that it’s bullying-proof, but I don’t know whether it’s predator proof. If keeping them...
  5. pepchickens

    Vent gleet - completely cement-like and impossible to remove?!

    Seems quite well. If she didn’t have a messy butt I would think she’s back to 100%. I haven’t examined the vent internally, where the scab is, because I think I was harming more than helping. The visible vent looks great.
  6. pepchickens

    Please help - Trying to hatch my favorite, recently deceased hen’s last egg

    She seems to sitting on them but she but I’ll need to make a game time decision tomorrow. I’m in the Merrimack Valley, you? Thank you for the offer so much!
  7. pepchickens

    Vent gleet - completely cement-like and impossible to remove?!

    You’re amazing at this. Thank you so much 🩷🐓
  8. pepchickens

    Vent gleet - completely cement-like and impossible to remove?!

    Lord. A scab. Thank you! How do you encourage a chicken to hydrate? She’s uncomfortable and she only seems to want to eat yogurt.
  9. pepchickens

    Please help - Trying to hatch my favorite, recently deceased hen’s last egg

    Thanks everyone. I’ve decided to let her best friend, Polly (the silver leghorn), sit on a few eggs that I think are Maisy’s (the white leghorn). Polly is quietly recovering inside from some light wounds from the rooster anyway. Wish us luck 🩷
  10. pepchickens

    Vent gleet - completely cement-like and impossible to remove?!

    She tucks up her vent after a bath. But then when she goes to poop, she strains so that it comes out again.
  11. pepchickens

    Vent gleet - completely cement-like and impossible to remove?!

    My only thought is that maybe it’s zinc oxide build up? I applied desitin early on and now I regret it.
  12. pepchickens

    Vent gleet - completely cement-like and impossible to remove?!

    I edited my post to include a pic! I just watched her peck her own butt trying to clean it but otherwise I don’t suspect pecking
  13. pepchickens

    Vent gleet - completely cement-like and impossible to remove?!

    Background: I’ve been trying to clean my hen’s vent (day 3 of suspected gleet, with some prolapse, but she’s laying normally despite my efforts to suppress the laying). The poop looks like gleet photos (can’t say I notice a stink though? Maybe I’m desensitized?) and it is coated to every crevice...
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