Recent content by Rock17

  1. Rock17

    Fibromelanotic chicks?

    The lighter parts may be fibro, but they indicate normal melanistic instead
  2. Rock17

    Fibromelanotic chicks?

    Ps. Melanistic is kind of the opposite of albino
  3. Rock17

    Fibromelanotic chicks?

    Fibromelanistic genes can become melanistic in a cross (Fibromelanistic chickens also have black organs and dark red/ purple blood).
  4. Rock17

    I will try to draw your cross bred gamefowl

    I am so sorry I forgot it is my grandfather’s birthday today so I can’t finish it today. Just got to do the left leg done everything else including colour. Will be done tomorrow certainly
  5. Rock17

    Question of the Day - Friday, May 31st, 2024

    None of them. My username is Rock17.
  6. Rock17

    Open Contest Official BYC Caption Contest 05-31-24 Pic by NorthwoodsChick

    Does this count as cheating?
  7. Rock17

    Open Contest Official BYC Caption Contest 05-31-24 Pic by NorthwoodsChick

    “Hurry up, sandra! Honestly, you haven’t even pipped!”
  8. Rock17

    What breed is this chicken? Silkie mix

    Satin or silken
  9. Rock17

    Open Contest Official BYC Caption Contest 05-31-24 Pic by NorthwoodsChick

    “(evil laugh) mine all mine! I rule the incubator!”
  10. Rock17

    Open Contest Official BYC Caption Contest 05-31-24 Pic by NorthwoodsChick

    “Let me out of this strange glass sauna human!”
  11. Rock17

    Open Contest Official BYC Caption Contest 05-31-24 Pic by NorthwoodsChick

    “Hurry up, jerry! Honestly, you haven’t even pipped!”
  12. Rock17

    Help, She's Crowing & won't lay eggs anymore!!!

    Even if she does get worse, since she would still be counted as a hen, the no rooster law doesn’t matter
  13. Rock17

    Help, She's Crowing & won't lay eggs anymore!!!

    If she doesn’t get any worse, there is nothing anyone can do since she is still genetically a hen
  14. Rock17

    I will try to draw your cross bred gamefowl

    It is nearly done. It will be ready today or tomorrow
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