Recent content by RuidosoBill

  1. RuidosoBill

    Sexing my baby Chicks.

    What characteristic should I find on 2 week old baby RIR's. What does the comb on a rooster look like? Are there any other ways.. no counting venting. I am no ready for that. I just want to know if I have any roosters?
  2. RuidosoBill

    Chick Treats

    How old do the baby chicks need to be to have cucumber peels or lettuce, or swiss chard. Greens.... Dry meal worms? how old.
  3. RuidosoBill

    First ever go at raising chickens and my brooder.

    Wow you are doing a great job. I have a question. Can you use shredded paper, like from my office shredder for the paper for the baby chickens? then upon frequent changing, can this paper go to the garden to be tilled in to the soild, or off to the compost first. Thanks for everyone help.
  4. RuidosoBill

    How many compartments are needed for 20 hens?

    Thank you so much for the fast responses. So 20 hens need 4-5 boxes. 16 x16 x16. We were thinking of Rhode Island reds. Would that still be big enough? So the roosting bars, up off the ground 4 feet (?) 2x3 or 2 x4's with the edges rounded. one foot per bird. We live high in the...
  5. RuidosoBill

    How many compartments are needed for 20 hens?

    We are new and are going to build our first hen house. We are starting with 20 chicks. We were thinking a 2 unit device. One: the hen house for nights and bad weather, where they could stay inside and be protected. This would be more permanent. then - Two: a tractor yard, we could move...
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