Recent content by Sylver Queen

  1. Sylver Queen

    Baytril dose?

    That is perfect, thank you so much! Just ordered it last night. I prefer to do everything organically but I love my birds, so I'm kind of just treating each one medicinally for what they've got going on and I'll treat everybody if I have an infestation of something. This little gal definitely...
  2. Sylver Queen

    Salpingitis antibiotic questions

    I am having lash eggs and shell less eggs in my 1-year-old Blue Andalusian hen. Came here looking for Baytril dosage and I'm so glad I found it, but I also have oregano oil and honey on hand and I love trying as many natural methods as I can! Been having so much health trouble with my flock the...
  3. Sylver Queen

    Baytril dose?

    I know this is old ;) but I am about to purchase Baytril because I just got a shell-less egg followed immediately by a lash egg from a one-year-old Blue Andalusian who has never been a good layer, poor dear. I've had so much trouble lately, parasites and snicking and now this, I don't know what...
  4. Sylver Queen

    Baby Chicks with Worms

    Thank you so much! 👍
  5. Sylver Queen

    Baby Chicks with Worms

    I'm glad this thread is still active! I noticed blood-tinged droppings from a 6-week-old pullet two nights ago and I followed her around yesterday, grabbed fresh poo right after she dropped it, and it had wriggling worms inside. 😱 I've seen plenty of dried tapeworm segments from cats but never...
  6. Sylver Queen

    Dosage for wormer in 2-week-old chicks??

    Bumping my own post. I also have Valbazen. Anyone have a tip on dosing instructions for chicks?? My two-week-old babies have parasites too. 😞 Thank you for any help!
  7. Sylver Queen

    Dosage for wormer in 2-week-old chicks??

    Sorry if this is old hat, but I've looked around and I'm not quite sure if I can give fenbendazole paste to a chick. Got visible worms in slightly bloody stool and I want to get on this ASAP for her. All I've got on hand is the equine paste and tomorrow is a holiday. Dosage is a "pea-sized...
  8. Sylver Queen

    Blue Jay Eating Eggs!

    So I can chime in just to say that I happened to be out with my baby chicks when a jay went straight into the chicken house. I protected the babies and hurried over and closed the door. Jay was trapped in the house. Right place right time when I was keeping an eye on everything on a day off...
  9. Sylver Queen

    Update: did not make it - Thought egg was dead, opened and it's alive, any chance??

    Thank you so much! I've been doing a pretty good job forgiving myself. It does not seem like it was going to hatch as it developed facing the wrong way and seemed quite weak after being two days late with a dwindling oxygen supply. Someone shared with me that they can hatch wrong end by external...
  10. Sylver Queen

    Blue Jay Eating Eggs!

    The only opening is an automatic door, chicken-sized where they walk up a ramp and enter. There's a red light flashing constantly throughout day and night on the door. I even put a fake owl up on the gate. I've even stood there watching it enter my chicken house, asking it what it's doing. It...
  11. Sylver Queen

    Pullet wing ripped off but so far okay, any suggestions?

    I have an antibiotic I can give him, thank you! It always seems like chickens are studs when it comes to skin infections. I keep thinking she's going to get a staph infection with exposed bone like that but I feel like it works differently in birds since it's been about a month now with little...
  12. Sylver Queen

    Blue Jay Eating Eggs!

    I hope you found a solution to the wild bird problem! Last year a scrub jay attacked and nearly killed one of my chicks it managed to scare out of the pen, and I'm now losing up to four eggs a day to the jays Was hoping there was a way to teach the birds not to steal the eggs since they're...
  13. Sylver Queen

    Pullet wing ripped off but so far okay, any suggestions?

    I'm not sure if he'd take her in or not, but it looks like it did break off at the small wing joint, just not the one inside the skin. 🤦‍♀️ Sweet girl is so tough! Thank you for your response. :-)
  14. Sylver Queen

    Pullet wing ripped off but so far okay, any suggestions?

    Hello! Asking for a friend who is not on BYC. ;) At least 3 weeks ago now he moved his pullets from the garage to an outside chick run and discovered one chick had a bald side. After he investigated he discovered she had a bloody nub with about half an inch of bone exposed due to a night where...
  15. Sylver Queen

    Do Black Copper Marans get combs fast?

    Sure :) The one is obviously a boy, including behavior. I believe the rest are females and all have the combs of the chick in the first/upper pic. They just seem a little faster to develop than my other breeds but maybe it's just because they're bigger birds.
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