Recent content by YangGuangLei

  1. YangGuangLei

    The electric blanket nest

    So there egg-topsy revealed that one egg had not made it through the early stages, no visible chick. Second egg had some growth but probably didn't make it much past the day I saw movement and heart beat. Third chick was almost fully developed but something very funky was happening to the yoke...
  2. YangGuangLei

    The electric blanket nest

    I was really hoping too :( Thanks Sumi for your help and encouragement.
  3. YangGuangLei

    Black egg?!?! Rotten or baby ?

    :( I made the decision to call it a day with my chickies today :( I can identify. Will be waiting for update. Check out my thread to see what happen with mine:
  4. YangGuangLei

    The electric blanket nest

    Today I made the decision to turn off the blanket :,( No movement or sound. Tomorrow is Egg-topsy day... See what we find :,(
  5. YangGuangLei

    The electric blanket nest

    :( Still no sign or sound. I did the float test today and the three are all viable eggs, but no rocking and rolling :( Hope is fading, bar a miracle.
  6. YangGuangLei

    The electric blanket nest

    Well, it's day 21 that the eggs started on the blanket tomorrow but I'm not sure what is happening. Don't have a torch that has shown me any clearer images of what is happening inside the eggs. Eggs 1 and 2 still have a fair amount of light 'space' around the chick mass, but egg 3 is almost...
  7. YangGuangLei

    Is this a twin egg?

    What happened with this one?
  8. YangGuangLei

    The electric blanket nest

    Sumi, I need some help. How do you tell if you have twins! Yes, seriously!! Two of the eggs, the smaller two have chicks, saw heartbeats today, and they still have an amount of space inside the egg. But the bigger egg is very dark and there is a small lighter patch at the bottom of the egg. Does...
  9. YangGuangLei

    The electric blanket nest

    Thanks jaxchic. Please do not try to replicate using an electric blanket unless like myself you find no alternative. This is not an experiment, it's a search for survival.
  10. YangGuangLei

    Rescue Mission

    Follow on the next leg of the Journey in my Incubating and hatching post: The electric blanket nest.
  11. YangGuangLei

    The electric blanket nest

    Not the greatest candling photos, but as you can see they all have an air cell and I can see veins and shape in the later two. The first is a smaller slightly narrower egg (this may have been her first lay), the shell is pretty dark. As you will see in the first two pictures there is a fair bit...
  12. YangGuangLei

    The electric blanket nest

    Re: temp and humidity I wouldn't know. The electric blanket is on high and with one layer of the fleece between them and the sheet (electric blanket underneath) they always seem to be a constant temperature. Tried to vary it a bit early on but they would cool off. Haven't interfered with them...
  13. YangGuangLei

    Black egg?!?! Rotten or baby ?

    This thread gives me great hope for my two black eggs that I can't see movement in. My rough calculation is 21 days will be Sunday, so I look forward to hearing of yours first :) Mine are actually orphaned eggs so this is eggciting!
  14. YangGuangLei

    Emergency Incubator - What have you used?

    An electric blanket :) eggs are nested together in a fleece jumper with only one layer between them and the sheet over the blanket. Candled this morning and saw definite movement in one... Not sure about the other two...
  15. YangGuangLei

    Hatch day and nothing!

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