Yard Farmer

Hello, my name is Gage. I also go by Yarmer around these parts.

I'm a Christian, homeschooled teen. I've had a passion for farming, gardening... Well, pretty much anything, and everything agriculture based for going on 8 years now.
But most importantly, I LOVE my savior, Jesus Christ.
He saved me a few years ago with his precious Blood; He's my friend, and my forever KING.
Praise to His name forever, AMEN!

Now, a little on my farming history:
My Dad technically got me into chickens 8 years ago at a local feed store, where he and my mom decided to get 8 baby chicks.
I got instantly hooked! Haha!
I watched hours of YouTube videos on chicken care during Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring; how to sex young chickens; how to help an injured bird,...etc. The whole nine yards a young, 8.5 yo could learn about chickens.

A few years later, once my hens had started laying, I had a longing to hatch chicks from my own flock.
So I asked, and I asked; and I asked my parents for a rooster over the early Spring throughout the Summer. Then FINALLY, in late Fall/early Winter they let me get 2 Ayam Cemani pairs, from someone local. I loved those birds so much!
They were rare, beautiful, and I had my rooster(s)!!
You have never seen a happier 9yo boy.

So ever since then, my flock has grown exponentially! I started with 8, now I have somewhere in the neighborhood of 35-45 birds.
Now I'm on a mission to raise as many species of birds as i can.
So far, I have chickens, and quail.
Lord willing, come spring, I'll be adding ducks and turkeys to that list.

A little more about me personally, I have quite a few hobbies.
I'm into dirt biking, mountain biking, rc cars, fishing, cars, and I'm SURE there's a few others. Lol
If you have any questions on any of my hobbies, feel free to ask!
I love talking to new people, and just talking in general!

I'll probably have more to add in my 'About me' page, but for now, that's a good start.
A huge thanks to anyone, and everyone who reads this! I do appreciate it.

A few of my BEST friends here: @Tookie , @cluckmecoop7 , @picklestheduck , @Fuchsia , @Pampered chicken girl , @Blue Raptor , @Sc_chickengirl , @CIVA , @Lemon-Drop , @AidKD , @The birb king , @BantammChick , @Lovely Lettie , @Yah , @Somewhere_In_The_Clouds , and @BigBlueHen53 .

A huge shout-out to everyone; y'all are the best!
The Wild West!
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I love reading the articles, and for answers to my questions.
Gardener: Farmer: Poultry keeper:


“As it is written, ‘There is none righteous, no, not one.'” (Romans 3:10, KJV)​

“For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23, KJV)​

~ AidKD & Poppy & Tookie & Giga & Pampers & Pat & Moonshot & Lettie- (Signature) ~

Remember When ~ Alan Jackson


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