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  1. Traffie Chickens

    Help deciding breed layers

    For a good layer, I would recommend pearl white leghorns. Ours are about a year and 4 months old and none of them have missed a single day of laying an egg. And ours seem to be very friendly, towards us, and new birds, but I don’t know if it’s just because there was 4 kids always holding them...
  2. Traffie Chickens

    Help with ideas for cluttering a run:

    I have realized that! I have the chicks fenced brooder in the run that I have another food and water station on, and when a chicken goes after a young one, the young one will jump up on it, but the older hen is always too lazy to do the same. 😆
  3. Traffie Chickens

    Help with ideas for cluttering a run:

    Thank you everyone! I really wish I could make like a (portal) kind of thing, but the chicks are the same size as most of the older flock now. I really think the best option is to cage up the meanies, but the thing is, I just don’t have a big enough space to keep 3 birds separate from the rest...
  4. Traffie Chickens

    Help with ideas for cluttering a run:

    Yes they have been in a (look-no touch) situation for about 5 weeks and I have been having the hardest time integrating the (2, 12 week old chicks in with our 4 red stars and 3 pearl white leghorn hens that are about a year and 3 months old. Half of the flock is fine with the chicks being...
  5. Traffie Chickens

    Help with ideas for cluttering a run:

    Hi everyone! I really need ideas for cluttering my chicken run! I am integrating two chicks in with my existing flock and I read that there should be clutter in the run while they are getting used to each other. Thanks everyone!
  6. Traffie Chickens

    Please Help! Egg bound chicken won’t even move.

    Yes! She did!! :celebratea couple days later, we went to cvs and got tums. Started giving her that, and after 5 days she layed an egg again! She is now doing great! 😊
  7. Traffie Chickens

    Open Contest BYC's 4th of July Star Spangled Hatch-Along—Stars, Stripes, & Feathers, a Text-to-Image Contest

    I couldn’t decide which one I like better, 😝 Entry # 4 A duckling holding sparklers with fireworks and American flags (deepai)
  8. Traffie Chickens

    Open Contest BYC's 4th of July Star Spangled Hatch-Along—Stars, Stripes, & Feathers, a Text-to-Image Contest

    If you do, I like fantasy mode, that’s what makes them look like paintings :)
  9. Traffie Chickens

    Help with integrating younger birds:

    I have been working with them for a while now and things are getting much better. Still not to the point where I would leave them unsupervised though, 🫤. I usually cage up the two bullies and then let all the others be together, and that seems great 😊. But then after a bit I will let the...
  10. Traffie Chickens

    Open Contest BYC's 4th of July Star Spangled Hatch-Along—Stars, Stripes, & Feathers, a Text-to-Image Contest

    Entry #3 A baby duck at a Fourth of July parade with American flags in the background (deepai again)
  11. Traffie Chickens

    Open Contest BYC's 4th of July Star Spangled Hatch-Along—Stars, Stripes, & Feathers, a Text-to-Image Contest

    Entry #2 A mandarin duck on a lake at night with Fourth of July fireworks (Deepai)
  12. Traffie Chickens

    Broody Dolly Parton Hatchalong!

    Oh that’s awful! I am so sorry!
  13. Traffie Chickens

    Open Contest BYC's 4th of July Star Spangled Hatch-Along—Stars, Stripes, & Feathers, a Text-to-Image Contest

    A realistic mallard duckling in a nest on the Fourth of July with American flags around. I think it’s called (Deepai something?) 😝
  14. Traffie Chickens

    Broody Dolly Parton Hatchalong!

    Did anyone hear if the eggs hatched?
  15. Traffie Chickens

    Help with integrating younger birds:

    Yes exactly, the young ones don’t go close to the hens and they still attack them, even when they aren’t close. They don’t just go after the male, they go after the female as well, in fact I think that they mainly go after her. I wondered if it was because she was small? And I think that the...
  16. Traffie Chickens

    Open Contest Official BYC Caption Contest Photo Submission - Thread #10

    This was her favorite spot as a chick 🤣
  17. Traffie Chickens

    Help with integrating younger birds:

    This is the current situation, I thought it would be fine if I just let the chicks out with the older ones now, but right when I let them out the older hens ganged up and started pinning them down and ripping out feathers. 😳 they are aggressive! Should I keep trying?
  18. Traffie Chickens

    Ended BYC's Springtacular Flower Photos

    I actually don’t know the name, but they are sure pretty!
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