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  • Users: vinniepoch
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  1. vinniepoch

    how long do eggs last?

    hi, we sell our eggs in town and people ask us how long will these eggs stay? any answers?
  2. vinniepoch

    nonstop crowing roosters

    we have 2 roosters who are 6 months old. one ia a barredrock and the other is a delaware. they crow all day long. 8 to 9 times a minute! will they grow out of it? theres times they don't crow of course, but for the most part its game on. let me know please, thanks
  3. vinniepoch

    when and how do we introduce our 4 mo. olds in to the flock?

    Hi, we have 9 new birds who are 4 mos. old to blend into our flock of 21 who are 1 and a half yrs. old. any suggestions? thanks, vinnie
  4. vinniepoch

    can you cook a rooster

    hi, we have a rooster who is going to a chicken butchering class because he is mean to the hens when he does his rooster thing. anyway, i have heard from a few people that roosters are too tough to eat. any ideas or recipies? thanks, vinnie
  5. vinniepoch

    dark bluish green poop the past few days

    hi, we have 22 chickens all of which seem healthy. the past few days i have been noticing bluish green poop. we have had these birds for a year and i have never seen poop like this before. any ideas? thanks, vinnie
  6. vinniepoch

    dark bluish green poop the past few days

    hi, we have 22 chickens all of which seem healthy. the past few days i have been noticing bluish green poop. we have had these birds for a year and i have never seen poop like this before. any ideas? thanks, vinnie
  7. vinniepoch

    barred rock with white/green diariah

    on wed. one of our barred rocks became lathargic and having runny green/ white poop. we isolated her. she will not eat or drink. she is just laying there. it's sun. night and she's still hanging on. she doesn't seem to be destressed in anyway. any thaughts? thankyou, vinnie
  8. vinniepoch

    laying hen with white/green diarehha

    We've got a 35 week old barred rock hen that has spent the whole day in the coop on a roost. She has really running poop that is mostly white with a little bit of kelly green in it. I don't think she's moved all day. We noticed on Wednesday that one of the barred rocks was lethargic when we let...
  9. vinniepoch

    how do you end broody behavior?

    one of our buffs has seemed to go broody all of a sudden, how do you correct thic behavior?
  10. vinniepoch

    do chickens lay multiple eggs in one day?

    so, last night all of our chickens roosted up except one buff, who went for the laying boxes. we said what ever, and in the morning she was still in there and would not get out and was raising quite the fit. my wife finally got her out of the box at 9:45am, and there were three eggs under her. I...
  11. vinniepoch

    hens up before the roosters cackeling loudly and nonstop

    what's up? the past 3 days or so our 24 week old hens have been waking up around 6 am and cackeling loudly like they just layed an egg. what's their problem?
  12. vinniepoch

    when do ameracanas start to lay?

    hi, we have 19 hens that are 24 weeks old. buffs, sexlinks, barred rocks, and ameracaunas. everyone started laying on june 29th or so except the ameracanas. when will thet start laying?
  13. vinniepoch

    i'm a chicken guy that wants to know about duck egg laying

    hi, my name is vinnie and i was talking to a friend of mine today, she works on a kind of farm. she said they have more ducks than chickens, they collect the duck eggs for eating well lets cut to the chase, how often do ducks lay eggs? is it every day? whats the deal? thanks vinnie
  14. vinniepoch

    are ground up egg shells a good source of calsium for dogs?

    hi, i heard that baking egg shells, then grinding them up and putting some in your dogs food is good for them. has anyone heard about this? and how long should the shells be baked for? thanks, vinnie
  15. vinniepoch

    how long until full sized eggs?

    hi, our girls started laying almost 2 weeks ago. how long will it take until their eggs are full sized? thank you, vinnie
  16. vinniepoch

    can a first egg have a thin shell?

    our 17 hens just started laying last week. we got a dozen so far. there were 2 egg in the box today and one of them had a very thin shell. is that okay? vinnie
  17. vinniepoch

    clipping chicken wings

    okay, our chickens are making it over a 6ft. high fence. we need to clip their wings. tonight we picked one up and just tried to spread her wings out to look at what we had to do. she was freaking out and we couldn't keep her wings open. how do you hold them to clip their wings? thank you, vinnie
  18. vinniepoch

    how many hens per nesting box?

    hi, we have 18 hens who are about to start laying. one of them has already layed 3 eggs. we built a hastey box for her, now we need to get ready for the rest of the girls. how many boxes do we need? 4? thank you, vinnie
  19. vinniepoch

    we got our 1st egg yesterday!!! now what?

    our red sexlink layed her 1st egg yesterday, it is so cute. so, we have a few questions. we have 5 different breeds who are all the same age, will they all start laying now, or do certain breeds take longer? our birds are 18 weeks old. the other question is about food. they have been eating a...
  20. vinniepoch

    how old until they start laying?

    hi, our chickens are 4 months old and they started making new sounds in the last week. it's kind of a cackeling sound. are we close? i thought they didn't start laying until they were 5 months old. whats up? vinnie
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