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    Toronto chicken rescues

    Does anyone know of any chicken rescue organizations near Toronto? I’d love to adopt some rescue chickens / ex battery hens but I don’t know where to look.
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    Silkie neck inflates when breathing

    I’ve noticed a few issues with my silkie and I’m having trouble connecting them to figure out what’s wrong. She’s three and half right now. I noticed several months ago when she breathes I can see it in her neck. It almost looks like her neck is inflating. She often has her left eye closed and...
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    Comb tip is white and shrivelled

    I noticed on my hen that one of the tips of her comb has turned white and crusty, and shrank. It was like this before our temps went below 0°C so I don’t think it’s frostbite. Could it be Favus? Or just dry skin? I attached a pic (the black spot on her comb is a scab from a recent peck).
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    Rooster chasing one hen

    Hi everyone! My rooster has been chasing one of my hens recently! All of my chickens including the rooster have been raised together since day one. They are now a little over 2 years old. I have 1 rooster and 10 hens. I noticed a few months ago that he kept chasing her out of the nesting...
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    Hen with giant wattles

    One of my hens has absolutely giant wattles. She’s about 2 years old and I know she’s a hen because she’s one of my best egg layers 😂 but she has the biggest wattles I’ve ever seen on a hen! Does anyone else have a girl with wattles this big?
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    Lethargic, clear poops, water balloon crop

    Hi I have a 2 year old hatchery chicken who’s acting a bit lethargic. She will slowly wander around the coop occasionally but is mostly standing around with her feathers puffed up and sleeping. At first I thought she might be egg bound because she had spent a lot of time in the nesting box and...
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    Chick breathing fast

    I just got a few day old chicks yesterday and I noticed that when one of the barred rocks is lying down her breathing is more noticeable than the other chicks. Like I can see her body inhale/exhale, and it also looks slightly faster. She isn’t wheezing, coughing or sneezing and she is eating and...
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    Frey's Hatchery

    Hi! I've been looking to get some started chicks and I was about to order some from Frey's Hatchery until I noticed that they perform beak treatment. Has anyone had experience with Frey's started chicks? How severe is the beak trimming? I'm not really sure where else to get chicks from, there...
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    9 month old silkie hen with bloody bum

    I have a 9 month old silkie hen who had blood on the feathers under her vent when I checked her this morning. It looks like her feathers were bloody and there were a few clumps of poop stuck to them as well. When I cleaned her up I checked her vent and it looked fine not prolapsed and I didn’t...
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    Sexing 8 week old silkies

    I know its probably too early to tell but I'm so curious about the genders of my three white silkies. They're almost 8 weeks old now. They have very fluffy heads so I'm having a hard time judging their combs. Any guesses of their sex would be appreciated!
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    Silkie chicks sneezing

    Hi! I just got my first ever chicks two weeks ago. They're almost four weeks old now but they have been sneezing pretty much since I got them. They otherwise seem completely healthy and full of energy. They've been eating and drinking lots and are growing well too. I'm just not sure what's...
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