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  • Users: Rooka_2
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  1. Rooka_2

    Chicks eyes crusting shut right from hatch

    Hey, I feel seasoned enough at this point to know something is up. Right from me pulling this lone hatched chick from the incubator, it's eyes have continued to crust shut. It's now two and half almost 3 days old and had a rough hatch. After hatching it spend a day laying in the incubator not...
  2. Rooka_2

    The worst mite infestation i have EVER seen! Help!

    Long story short, new farm, 100+ year old barn, first winter with flock in barn, literally THOUSANDS upon millions of mites. I climbed up a stack of straw bales because I heard peeping and found a chicken sitting on 20 eggs. Thought, how cute! Literally snapped a picture of her, climbed back...
  3. Rooka_2

    Would a pure Sebastopol be growing black and grey feathers? Im confused, pictures of the parents were pure white and full curly feathers

    I know nothing about geese, I bought hatching eggs as "pure curly Sebastopol". Feathers are all coming in white, but most have grey hues within the feathers. One has pure black feathers randomly popping out in different spots on her body. I saw pictures of the parents, and they were pure white...
  4. Rooka_2

    Anyone know what a Silverlaced Roo and Isabel Hens mixed would look like? Both Orpingtons.

    So I had someone ask me for orpington chicks yesterday. I have a silverlaced roo mixed with Isabel and Silverlaced hens, all pure and all orpingtons. I literally JUST got an Isabel roo yesterday, but he's in quarantine for a month or two yet. She doesnt care what she gets as long as they're...
  5. Rooka_2

    Anyone know anything about Isabel Orpingtons? I could use some advice.

    Last year I hatched out 6 gorgeous Isabel Orpingtons, turns out I won the lottery and got all hens 😂 I would LOVE to be able to make some money and sell hatching eggs in the spring/summer with these beautiful birds but I've been looking since last fall for an Isabel orpington rooster and haven't...
  6. Rooka_2

    CANADA- Where are you having your flock testing done?

    Hey! I've started selling chicks quite consistently, im actually at the point of having a wait list. I work with Silkies mainly but I will soon be offering up Orpingtons. You see so much about flock testing for different diseases in the US. But here in Canada (Alberta to be exact) I'm having...
  7. Rooka_2

    Any truth to Sebastopol coloring sexing?

    For those who have raised Sebastopols, was there any truth to the color sexing trick? I hatched 4 and got one yellow and three lavender so would it be one boy and 3 female or is it totally up in the air till they lay eggs or I pay to have them dna tested? I'm quite new to geese, I got 3 at an...
  8. Rooka_2

    Any advice for growing your breeder page on Facebook?

    I'm wanting to grow my Facebook page because I'd like to start breeding my silkies to be "show quality". What I'm finding though is my incubator is never turning off and I'm ending up with TONS of chicks and with the ones I grow out SO many roosters. I cant bring myself to cull them so I'm...
  9. Rooka_2

    Is this a frizzle!? 👀

    Oh i am SO confused 🤣 this came from what i thought was an orpington egg. But its black... and my orpingtons are pure isabels. I have one white silkie frizzle rooster, and i have some random mixed black hens, but they lay white eggs and this 100% came from brown egg. Can this be an isabel...
  10. Rooka_2

    Silkie color genetics- any insight?

    Hey! A couple questions. First, please completely ignore the black mottled Houdan hen, shes my sons 4H show project and we keep her with our silkies because they're so gentle. We won't be hatching her eggs. In this pen I have two roos, both pictured below. A showgirl frizzle and a.... blue...
  11. Rooka_2

    Ducks losing feathers around the eyes and silkie cross with massive lump on neck after being treated for wry neck

    From what I'm reading in other posts, this is viral infection? I honestly thought it was just a molt at first on the second duck pictured. But tonight while treating my entire flock for mites I noticed it starting on my cayuga too. These birds are 2 years old, this winter they got moved into...
  12. Rooka_2

    Goose eggs didnt have heat for 2 hours are they done for!?

    I really screwed up 😭 I've been following the "take the eggs out to cool for 10 minutes and mist them" method. Well I'm going to blame my ADHD for losing track of time and my phone for being dead because I typically set a timer for myself. I can't believe I did this! They sat out of the...
  13. Rooka_2

    Is this mites or molting or over breeding?

    So, I'm not quite sure what's going on here. I have been noticing all the silverlaced orpingtons are missing butt feathers to the extreme. Here are my facts: -They hatched August 29th. -5 Roos -4 Hens. -All 4 hens have bare butts, as well as two Roos. -In this coop with them are 6 isabel...
  14. Rooka_2

    Silverlaced orpingtons- which do i pick to keep!?

    Hi everyone! I have the most gorgeous silverlaced orpingtons, I *think* I can tell at this point which is a roo and which is a pullet. I have 9 total and the roos seem to be growing tail feathers while the pullets do not. What's odd to me though, I hatched out 6 isabel orpingtons and I could...
  15. Rooka_2

    Should I be concerned? Black poop from one of my birds

    I'm not sure what to think of this, the last two days I've found tar like black poop in my chicken/duck room. Here's the thing, I moved them from their outdoor pen to their new indoor pen last Wednesday. They've never been in this room, It's the old milking room in our 100 year old barn. I live...
  16. Rooka_2

    Help! My chick is dying 😭

    My sweet little chick is dying. She has the worst hook beak I've ever seen and I'm wondering if she hasn't been getting enough food and water. I noticed her sitting when I went to tidy up the brooder. The other chicks were jumping all over her and she just kept sitting. I picked her up and...
  17. Rooka_2

    Possible Vent Gleet?

    Dealing with possible vent gleet. So I noticed one of my orpington pullets seemed to have dirty bum. The feathers around her vent were a little caked in white poop. I brought her in and cleaned her up. Otherwise she seems totally normal. I'm just holding her while she dries off and I'm reading...
  18. Rooka_2

    Oh no! Whats these red spots on my favorite roosters legs!?

    Slightly freaking out, please tell me this isn't mites!? What's happening to my roosters legs!? No one else seems to have these red spots, it's just him.
  19. Rooka_2

    Why aren't my isabel orpingtons laying yet?

    My isabel orpingtons hatched on March 11th, they will be 20 weeks old this coming Saturday. I've actually posted about these ladies before, when I was trying to figure out if they were roosters or hens, I ended up winning the chicken lottery and out of all 6 eggs, they all hatched and they are...
  20. Rooka_2

    Canada winter coop- designing my coop- Help!

    In the spring I moved my flock to this other shed on our property. The people that lived here before us used this as their chicken coop. I'm wanting to make it more functional and esthetically pleasing. Our winters drop to -45⁰ most years, it's been as low as -72⁰ with the windchill. The...
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