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  • Users: Zoohtasim
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  1. Zoohtasim

    Soil Questions

    Hey, so I'm having my exams right now and I have ENDLESS queries regarding my Agriculture subject. So I thought maybe I'd ask you all to help? Q.1- "The land should be given a shallow ploughing when it reaches to the stage at the end of the rainy season in drought prone areas. This operation...
  2. Zoohtasim

    The chicken that refuses to lay!

    Hey everyone, so the title really says it all. I have this chicken, about 9 months old, who just, doesn't lay. Like, in January, she laid her first peewee egg as per schedule. 2 more followed. Then she went broody. Broody like, PROPER broody. Extremely broody. I can't describe how broody she...
  3. Zoohtasim


    Look which sisters turned 1 today! Birthday feast - Individual pics for their tinder - Kaak Swiddy Chipi Rightfully named, the power cluck girls!
  4. Zoohtasim

    Share Your Chicken Coops!

    It's so much fun seeing the coop setups of other people! So I decided to make a thread for it! It doesn't only need to be chickens too! I personally free range my chickens. What about yall?
  5. Zoohtasim

    How do you get rid of rats?

    These pesky little things have started to kill my budgies, I'll be moving the budgies, I know how to protect them, but how can I prevent the rats from entering into their room in the first place? Is there a smell they dont like or something like that?
  6. Zoohtasim


    I have 1 chicken named Swiddy. She had one chick which died because it got paralyzed in it's legs and refused to eat. Now she is paralyzed in her legs but still having food (very little) Her legs are very stiff and she tries to walk on her knees. Take a look at her foot, can it be bumblefoot...
  7. Zoohtasim

    Vent Picking

    One of my hens is eating the feathers off another chicken! The vent feathers to be exact. I separated her and I read that salt deficiency and protein deficiency can cause that. I added salt to her water and am giving her boiled eggs with worms. Any other suggestions? She will get cured right? I...
  8. Zoohtasim

    3MO baby chick not eating

    As you can read by the title, I have a baby chick I hatched on September 23rd this year. It's a loner and it stays with it's mum. But I just noticed that it hasn't grown at all in the past 1.5 months and stays stunted. Now, my uncles who are supposed to take care of them while I give exams...
  9. Zoohtasim

    Baby chicks, GONE!

    I recently had 6 baby chicks under my hen Swiddy and they were 4 days old when I tucked them under their mum in their crate last evening. Today my uncle says that when he visited them in the morning, he only found 2 baby chicks. No sound at night, no feathers, no injury on Swiddy or her sister...
  10. Zoohtasim

    Budgie Mutations 101

    Don't be scared, if you somehow even understand a little bit of the disastrous calamity called chicken genetics, this will be really easy! This is a broad topic and I will be updating this thread everyday with a new mutation! Thanks for keeping up with me!:)
  11. Zoohtasim

    Disease or Normal?

    This white like eyelid thing, is it normal? Fayoumi Rooster -
  12. Zoohtasim

    Confusion of Mille Fleur

    I have no Mille Fleur hens, but when eggs are randomly hatched, 2 of the babies seem like Mille Fleur. Q.1) Are they even Mille Fleur? Q.2) If they are, how??? Chick one ^ Chick 2 ^ Here's how chick 2 looks like. Its part Swedish Flower that I know:)
  13. Zoohtasim

    Chick Sexing Event

    I have my guesses but what do you guys think?! Also any guesses to the breeds they may have in them? I personally love how chick 3 & 4 look. They're 1.5 months old now. Chick 1 Chick 2 Chick 3 Chick 4 Chick 5
  14. Zoohtasim

    RIP Mr Noodle Doodle, A Tribute

    I rescued a random rooster from an unethical place. Turns out he was the best rooster I have met till date! He was sweet to me, to the hens and really protective! He even got to father my pullet's eggs! He really loved my pullets and so did my pullets! Here he is with his wives! Delish grass...
  15. Zoohtasim

    Helps with the breed?

    Hey everyone! I'm pretty new to having chickens and have gone a long way! I pretty know all the things you should when it comes to keeping chickens! Only one thing I don't is the breeds. Pls I always get so confused - So I need some help with deciphering the breed of my 6 month old hen Kaak...
  16. Zoohtasim

    Stunted Chick

    Hi guys. I hatched some baby chicks from the same parents as a project this time. I got 6+4 chicks out of that. The 6 are with me after their mum started killing them (they were originally 7) So one of the 6 babies, a white one, caught a cold amidst all this. I had another thread about this and...
  17. Zoohtasim


    Welcome to the official decision of the name of my rooster. Indeed, this act is of the utmost importance and I urge you to participate in this breathtaking phenomenon known as a 'poll' Now you might take a peek at his indescribable beauty @SpotTheCat @cavemanrich @Faizan Ali @Hilltop Flock...
  18. Zoohtasim

    Chick caught cold

    Hello everyone. I have 6 one week old chicks under my wing and I suppose one caught a cold. It sneezes a lot, it sounds like a "chii" and it is frequent too. Vets dont really help in my country so I would like some advices from y'all. The chick is fine, it runs, it eats and it chirps all while...
  19. Zoohtasim

    Budgie breeding 101

    I know this is a chicken forum but if someone here finds this post helpful, I'll be more than happy! Soooo, you wanna breed budgies? You're in the rrright place! So, lets start with, why? Maybe you just bought them and want some eggs real fast? I know that feeling, I was like that too. But you...
  20. Zoohtasim

    My journey!

    Hello everybody. I had another thread about this called 'Possibly Aggressive Cockerel', you can check it out for info. But let me summarize it, I had a plan of raising chicks from a selected mum and dad, and I separated them into 3 clutches. One had 4 eggs, the other two had 6 eggs each. The one...
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