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  1. KathiQuacks

    Drake not interested in new girls at all.

    For context - My eldest drake, Cherry, was introduced to his 2 girlfriends in December of last year. He’s very kind to them both and follows them everywhere. I hatched 10 ducklings from them back in January / February, ending up with 3 drakes, 7 hens, or 4 drakes, 9 hens total (I’m looking to...
  2. KathiQuacks

    Welp, It’s Official - I’m Getting Goslings!

    Yesterday, I placed an order for 2 goslings from Metzer Farms! I decided on getting 2 females; 1 Buff, 1 African. I might even look for an adult gander in the future, assuming these 2 are good. They’re set to ship out June 17th. This is my first time ordering from Metzer, so I’m quite nervous...
  3. KathiQuacks

    Videos of My Ducks from the Past Month! (3)

    I had a lot of fun creating the last 2 “Videos of My Ducks” during my Hatch-Along, so I decided to make another! I hope y’all enjoy :)
  4. KathiQuacks

    Only 1 duckling with angel wing?

    I’m a bit mad at myself for not noticing sooner, but one of my ducklings (6.5 weeks) appears to have angel wing in his left wing. I’m going to start treatment and get him wrapped up soon, but I’m wondering why he’s the only one who has it? The wings of his other 9 siblings all look lovely and...
  5. KathiQuacks

    My drake is choosing the pond over his girls - why?

    This isn’t really a problem - I’m more confused than anything, and would love some insight. My drake, Cherry, loves his pond, and I don’t blame him. It’s around 5 / 6 acres worth of water, with tons of mud, pondweed, fish, bugs - a duck’s dream. He also loves his girls. I got Cherry 2 hens of...
  6. KathiQuacks

    New alpaca cria just born earlier today!

    I’m just sharing. She’s all white, just like her mama ☺️ Her dad is half white, half medium brown, so this is a wonderful surprise.
  7. KathiQuacks

    Hello from a not-so-new member!

    Hello BYC! :frow I’m not actually a new member, but back when I first joined, I never made a, “New Member Introduction,” so I figured I’d make one now! Hi! My name’s Kathi! Some of you may’ve seen me around recently. I actually joined in May of 2022, but wasn’t very active back then. I returned...
  8. KathiQuacks

    Potential first-time goose owner! Does my plan sound good, and other questions.

    Hello goose-side of BYC! :frow I’ve been on the duck-side for around 2 years now, and recently I’ve considering expanding my flock to have geese as well. At the moment, I have 3 adult ducks - 1 boy, 2 girls - as well as 10 unsexed ducklings. By the time the ducklings are grown, I’m hoping I’ll...
  9. KathiQuacks

    My drake is acting broody 😆

    Before anyone asks, yes, he is a drake, no doubt about it. Most drakes, from what I hear, will simply hang out near the nest while his hen does her thing. Some will stand guard over the nest, and very rarely, drakes will actually sit on the nest themselves. My drake has gone a little beyond the...
  10. KathiQuacks

    Hen “mating” with other hen for a LONG time. Will she be okay?

    So, I have a drake (Cherry) and two hens (Caramel + Pitaya). When Cherry mates with my hens, he’s very quick about it. My hens do tail up, he does tail down, and it’s done. I’ve never seen him take longer than 10 seconds to mate. Occasionally, I’ll see Pitaya on top of Caramel trying to...
  11. KathiQuacks

    My ducklings keep needing assistance, because they don’t have an egg tooth. Why??

    Hello BYC :frow So, I’ve been doing a staggered hatch over the past couple weeks, and during that time, I’ve had 7 eggs make it to lockdown. Out of the 7 eggs, 3 of them have had NO egg tooth. One of them didn’t make it, because they covered the safety hole I put in and couldn’t pip a new hole...
  12. KathiQuacks

    January to February 2024 Duckling Hatch-Along!

    Hello everyone of BYC! :frow I already have names in mind, but feel free to root for an egg, if you’d like! :jumpy Around 5 weeks ago, I got two new hens for my lone drake, Cherry. One of the hens, Caramel, has laid a nice stream of eggs ever since. I decided to incubate, and after some days...
  13. KathiQuacks

    Just put in a safety hole - am I doing this right? (duck egg)

    I need reassurance that I’m doing this right.. This is my second time hatching duck eggs. Right now, I just have the one egg in lockdown, but I’ll have more eggs to put in lockdown in a week or two. This egg started incubation on December 19th. I saw the egg had internally pipped yesterday...
  14. KathiQuacks

    Soft-shelled eggs, and now a double-yolker. Is this normal?

    Hello! So, I have this Swedish Blue duck that I took in about two weeks ago. She’s around 10 months old, so this is her first time laying. Every single egg she’s laid so far has been small and soft shelled, right up until today where I found a huge, hard, double yolker. I’m confident it’s her...
  15. KathiQuacks

    What breed of duck is this?

    Hello! About a week ago, I took in two female ducks from one of our family friends. One is certainly a Blue Swedish, but I’m quite stumped on the breed of the other. Our family friend said she’s a Buff Orpington, but I’m not so sure. Any ideas? Most notably, she has very intricate wings, a...
  16. KathiQuacks

    Are my drakes… flirting with each other?

    For context, I used to have a mixed sex flock, but recently gave away all my girls and kept the boys. Now, after a few days with no girls, my drakes seem to be... flirting with each other? They’ve been head-bobbing at each other like crazy! Way more than when the girls were still around. I’ve...
  17. KathiQuacks

    Sweet drake suddenly harassing all the females. Do I need to rehome him?

    Hello everyone. At the moment, we have 6 drakes and 5 hens. I know, the ratio is horrible. Each girl is paired off with a different boy, so there’s only one drake who has no partner, though he doesn’t seem to mind this. I assumed, with everyone else having a partner, there would be no issue…...
  18. KathiQuacks

    What breed is this duck?

    Okay, this is going to be a stretch. When we moved into our new house, we inherited the previous owner’s four ducks. I can tell the breed of three of them, but not the last one. I have a video attached of the four, and I need to know the breed of the light brown one. Incase the video isn‘t high...
  19. KathiQuacks

    I think my ducks have wet feather. What should I do going forward?

    Hello everyone. Over the past week or so, I’ve started to notice that my ducks (two 8 week old Pekin-Rouen mixes, and two 7 week old Pekins) appear to have developed wet feather. After swimming, their feathers become completely soaked, and it can take well over an hour for them to dry. They have...
  20. KathiQuacks

    Duckling biting other duckling, to the point of bleeding. Help?

    Hello, first post! Apologizes if this has already been discussed somewhere, as I was not able to find anything similar. So, I’m hatching + raising ducklings for the first time. I currently have two Pekin ducklings (3 and 4 weeks) and four Rouen ducklings (3, 4, 4 1/2, and 5 weeks) all in a...
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