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  • Users: Greta A
  • Content: Threads
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  1. G

    To early?

    My Muscovy hen had 4 eggs. She hatched 3 and one died shortly. The other two are one day old and moms takes them on a pond tour Lol. Is it to early ?
  2. G

    Boys or girls

    The two in the middle (the twins). I am guessing girls. The grey with black head I think is also girl Not sure. I feel like these to are girls. Boy?
  3. G


    I got some barnyard mix birds from a neighbor. They were not sexed just 6 baby chicks. I believe all are girls. But not sure on this one.
  4. G


    I bought these chickens off Craigslist. They are small. I am told they are about 3 mo old. So Bantu ? Do you know what bread
  5. G

    New rooster

    This is Fred. Guy said he was about 3-4 months old and a meat bird bread. He had no additional info. He is pretty nice so far. Not aggressive at all. Any ideas on bread?
  6. G

    Bad eye site

    I have three Muscovy ducks. I bought the when they were approx 1 year old. One I feel has a problem judging distance in close situations. It is not hampering her life style. She walks everywhere. I rarely see her fly and when I do her landings are a bit bumpy. When she jumps off a perch...
  7. G

    New chick.

    Dad was a Dominique mom was a choice of rcm, Dominique, buff orphington, or golden laced Wyandotte ( I think) Any guesses on breed. I know it’s early. The chick is three days old.
  8. G

    One down 4 to go

    First chick hatched yesterday. Got a pic today.
  9. G

    Dead hen

    I had a hen who was sitting on 4 eggs in a chicken tractor. It was just about hatch time and poof. A predator takes mom and two eggs. I put the remaining eggs under another hen. Can anyone identify the carnage. I am thinking raccoon. Or rabid alien Bigfoot.
  10. G

    Muscovy duck behavior

    So I am new to Muscovy ducks I bought 3 early this spring. They are all hens. One is more dominate and picks on what I assume is on the bottom of the order. That is the one I gave questions about. She is always stretching her neck out and chirping at me I feel like she is making...
  11. G

    Sad day

    So this morning when. Opened the door to the coop. My rooster was dead on the floor. No markings of a fight so I am assuming a heart attack I really liked him. He was only 2. Good bye fat joe. I will miss you.
  12. G

    Muscovie question

    I am new to duck raising. I chose the muscovie bread due to the calmness, egg laying, and their love of eating red algae. I have to much growing in my pond. I bought 3 girls. But …. I am told by a friend that I have two girls and a boy. Lol. It happens. I was hoping for a second...
  13. G

    Dig attack

    Yesterday my brother in law brought his dog to our house ( uninvited)…. Needless to say it did not go well. I have on chicken that was mauled. I looked thru old threads and got a few ideas on how to proceed. I keep rd her in the house over night I. A dog crate. She looks a bit better...
  14. G

    New rooster

    My last rooster was taken out by a predictor and I found a new guy to take his place. I thought he was a Plymouth Rock but I was reading an article here on this site that Plymouth rocks will not ever have a rose comb. Sooooo….. I am either mistaken about the bread type or about the comb...
  15. G

    Sunken breasts

    I have a 3 year old hen that has recently is loosing mass in her breast area. She eats fine and drinks fine. She has never been a good egg layer but I am hating no eggs from her now Any ideas on what could be happening?
  16. G

    Mystery chick

    My granddaughter raised some chicks from the feed store and now they are at my house They we’re labeled “Norwegian” I have 7 black,(Marens)? 3 brown,1 white, and 1 grey ish chick I am not 100% sure if they are hens or roosters lol. But I have a guess This one brown chick I would like...
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