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  1. Chikenshiken

    Can oyster shells cause impacted crop??!

    My 1 year old rooster died today from an ongoing impacted crop that, besides my best efforts, wasn’t going down. I could feel some kind of pebbles inside of his crop that I could tell was the cause. This is unusual because our yard has absolutely no kind of pebbles or rocks that I know of. This...
  2. Chikenshiken

    What is this that my chicken pooped out?!

    my 3 year old hen was sitting inside the house and pooped this out. Is it a lash egg?? What do I do now?
  3. Chikenshiken

    Chicken won’t stop eating her own egg after laying

    My 3 year old hen picked up this terrible habit of immediately eating her egg after she’s laid it. Not only do I not have many eggs now because of her it’s also concerning because I’d like to monitor her egg health as she’s getting older. I’ve tried fake eggs and that hasn’t worked because she’s...
  4. Chikenshiken

    I lost my first chicken yesterday

    I just wanted to make a tribute post to my beautiful baby Kerropi. I could not have asked for a better chicken and she loved me as much as I loved her. Every Halloween we went trick or treating and every day we’d go together to the bus stop to pick up my sister. Words cannot express how having...
  5. Chikenshiken

    Best chickens, in terms of health?

    After getting my first chickens at 16 I didn’t know how bad later year health problems were. I’m 19 now and my chickens are old and having issues because of their breed (reproductive issues) and it hurts to see them this way and I never want to go through this again honestly When I decide to...
  6. Chikenshiken

    Huge watery crop after abdominal drainage, please help!

    My 3 year old hen recently went to the vet for reproductive issues. She had swelling in her abdomen which was drained and she seemed in much better spirits. So much better that she finally ate after 2 months of not eating much at all. However I noticed that two days after her drainage she was...
  7. Chikenshiken

    Prevention for egg perintosis?

    My hen has suffered from this condition and recently went to the vet. She was drained and seems a lot happier and was prescribed an anti inflammatory for the rest of her life, along with her sisters when they eventually retire. However, my vet suggested our hens take two tums a day (2000mg) to...
  8. Chikenshiken

    Nonstop crowing! Suggestions?

    I love my 1 year old baby boy silkie but this week he has been crowing like crazyyy! He usually only crows for 30 minutes in the morning and doesn’t crow any more but I think with the warm weather he never shuts up. My only concern is I have new neighbors that I rather not disturb and I usually...
  9. Chikenshiken

    Unknown illness?

    My chicken has previously struggled with sour crop but now suddenly after she’s gotten better for the last month I noticed she’s been a little lethargic. Now she is quite lethargic and eating very little unless it’s snacks. Here are her symptoms: -Runny droppings -Poopy butt -Pale comb...
  10. Chikenshiken

    What’s your indoor coop setup?

    Not sure if this is the right forum and I know there is a lot of controversy on indoor chickens but let me start with that I’m not looking for opinions and I keep partial indoor outdoor bantams and I’m just looking for some coop ideas for when they sleep indoors! :) Anyone out there with an...
  11. Chikenshiken

    Best way to give chicken medicine? Please help

    My 3 year old hen I suspect has sour crop and has lost most of her appetite and I’m struggling to hide medicine in food she’s not willing to eat. I’m giving her liquid vaginal yeast medication and it’s incredibly hard to give it to her straight but she’s not accepting it in food anymore. Besides...
  12. Chikenshiken

    First time with sour crop, what now?

    I’ve discovered my 3 year old hen vomited brown liquid when I gently pressed on her crop this morning to see if she had eaten anything because she seemed super uninterested in food. She definitely has sour crop and NO impaction. But when she throws up there’s bits of grass and scratch… Any...
  13. Chikenshiken

    Chicken vomiting water?

    my 3 year old hen was acting strange and laying in the coop door which she hasn’t done since she was a baby and she didn’t even run when I brought food. I picked her up and just gently squeezed her crop to see if she’d eaten something and she ended up vomiting water twice from me just gently...
  14. Chikenshiken

    Where to get amoxicillin for chickens?

    what do you guys use for amoxicillin for your chickens? I’m having a hard time finding any amoxicillin for pets without a prescription. I’ve seen some people use fish amoxicillin, is that safe?
  15. Chikenshiken

    My roo doesn’t crow

    I’ve had this roo for almost a year now, he’s a silkies, he mounts things and is very wimpy haha and loves to cuddle but he doesn’t crow like at all. His brother who is the exact same age crows like crazy but I have never even heard my other baby make a peep. I’ve heard it’s possible for males...
  16. Chikenshiken

    Chicken keeps squatting to poop but very little comes out

    My 2 year old bantam hen seemed weird tonight and she kept squatting trying to poop and she seems extremely uncomfortable. I checked her vent and it looked a bit red and like there was feces trying to come out but couldn’t. I’m extremely worried, is it egg bound or possible prolapse vent? Is it...
  17. Chikenshiken

    Trimming a silkies hair? 😯

    My silkie has the absolute hardest time seeing because of his bigggg hair poof! He has trouble aiming and whenever I give him treats it takes him a couple tries just to get it. What’s the best way to trim his hair without poking him in the eye with a pair of scissors :th Hate to see the poof...
  18. Chikenshiken

    My first accidentally rooster. Hello handsome boy!!

    Heres my baby Tofu who I just adore! I never thought I’d have a rooster but I always wanted one and he loves to sit on couches and eat grapes with his sister ☺️
  19. Chikenshiken

    Indoor Plant Lovers? ☺️

    We all know winter is a bore for gardeners because there really isn’t much we can do! But is anyone else out there a fan of indoor plants! I absolutely adore tropical indoor plants and have been keeping them since middle school and it’s rewarding still seeing growth even when it’s cold I love...
  20. Chikenshiken

    In search of duck in Virginia!

    Looking for some ducks for sale around the Virginia Beach, Norfolk, Chesapeake area! Trying to find a new mate for my special needs duck and preferably looking for ducks who are already well socialized and easy to handle. Let me know if anyone out there is selling ducks!!
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