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  • Users: TarynLord
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  1. TarynLord

    Broody Showgirl

    Hey guys we have a very exciting day coming up on our farm! Our broody showgirl, Reba, is sitting on, I believe, 6 eggs all different breeds! I will write the breeds below and post pictures of the babies when they hatch if anyone is curious. Showgirl X Silkie Salmon Favrolle X Salmon Favorolle...
  2. TarynLord

    Mean Hen

    Hey guys so we have this hen she is a "California White". We had her in a run by herself for about a week and we finally found a rooster and 2 hens to put in there with her. She has been bullying the other 2 hens since we put them in there with her. The rooster isn't doing anything about it and...
  3. TarynLord

    muscovy mixing

    heys guys, so our muscovy pair hatched out 9 babies about 4 and a half weeks ago. Today I went and picked up 2 more muscovy, but they are only 2 weeks old. when would be the best ages to put them all together in 1 pen? they are drastically different sizes at this point. TIA!
  4. TarynLord

    duck food

    any suggestions on what I should feed my ducks? I don't really wanna do the purina. looking for more natural options and things we can add for health benefits to daily feed!
  5. TarynLord

    mixing duckl

    hey guys, so I have been looking for a cayuga duck for a while now and I finally saw a post for some 2 week old babies. I have 9 muscovy ducklings 2.5 weeks old. so my question is do you think if I bought 2 ducklings I could put them in with my muscovy ducklings? any tips?
  6. TarynLord


    hey guys so I recently discovered a mixed breed bird called the favacauna. I am wondering if it matters who is who for the parents? I have a Faverolle rooster and americauna hens
  7. TarynLord

    Muscovy drake

    hey guys my Muscovy pair hatched their eggs 4 days ago. We were planning on keeping them all together but we ended up having to move our drake away from them. So what should we do? Should we get him another girl? We don’t want to separate mom from her babies bc she is doing really great with...
  8. TarynLord

    Fertile duck eggs!

    Hey guys just wondering about care for fertile duck eggs. I’ve got a Kahki pair and I believe her eggs are now fertile. If I were to save eggs to make a dozen to maybe sell as hatchable eggs, how do I store them until I have the full dozen?
  9. TarynLord

    Khaki Campbells

    Hey y’all I’ve got a khaki Campbell hen and a khaki/Cayuga/apple yard mix just the 2 are together. I went out to check on them and there was 5 eggs!! Is this normal?
  10. TarynLord

    Muscovy Duck Babies

    Hey guys I am new to the bird world. I have a pair of muscovy and my hen has layed 14 eggs so far and she has been sitting on them pretty consistently since about day 11. So I have a few questions: 1 how many eggs can she lay are per clutch? 2 I read that it takes 35 days for them to develop...
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