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  1. Chimichangas

    My chicken is very lethargic, and shaking her head a lot

    This chicken is being bullied by the older ones. Which has caused some problems with her eating. She is extremely skinny and lethargic, but apart from that she won’t stop shaking her head. What could this mean? She also doesn’t lay down no matter what, she has been sleeping standing up. I have...
  2. Chimichangas

    Need help identifying this chick’s breed

    I got this one at rural king, it was marked as an Americana, but it doesn’t look anything like one. What breed could it be?
  3. Chimichangas

    Where can I sell my baby chickens FAST ?

    Where can I go to sell chickens? I live in kentucky and there are a bunch of laws regulating poultry sells. is there any website, place, etc thats I could sell my poultry at? If so, how much should I sell them for, the breeds are the following: Black Americauna rooster Midnight majestic maran...
  4. Chimichangas

    Can chickens get sick by me ?

    If I have Covid, can my baby chicks get it too? We have a batch around 5 weeks old and another batch around 1 week old. I currently have covid-19, if I take care of them can they also get sick?
  5. Chimichangas

    Missing back toe on baby chick

    I need help, one of my baby chicks is missing its back toe. What can I do? Is it going to survive? I can provide photo if necessary. The chick was born this way. I just somehow didn’t notice until now, it is about 1 week old ish? Maybe less.
  6. Chimichangas

    Can baby chicks over eat ?

    I have 13 pullets and I feed them natures wise starter grower, medicated. Yesterday one of my pullets had eaten so much that it’s pouch was almost at its beak when standing. I sadly don’t have pictures of it right now. The pullet is still alive. But that begs the question, can baby chicks over...
  7. Chimichangas

    Help ! Baby chick is chirping really loudly but not moving

    This baby chick is a crested polish. I am unsure what is happening but the chick is chirping really loudly as if it was fine but it can’t move, it’s legs are really numb. What can I do?
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