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  • Users: Ray987
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  1. R

    What's the breed?

    Hello Would like to know what breeds are these please thank you
  2. R

    How many windows in a coop?

    Hello I'm planning to build a large coop for my quails and chickens (25 square meter | 270 square ft) 8ft height rectangle shaped Gonna build a wall to divide that space half for quails and half for the chickens so roughly 12.5 square meters each, coop gonna be built using concrete blocks and a...
  3. R

    Milky droppings sick chick

    Hello I have a 5 month old chick she was fine just this morning fully active but in the noone I noticed she's having trouble walk sitting on her knees, she's eating, drinking and can walk but when she's left alone she would just sit down with legs in-front Here's a fresh picture of her...
  4. R

    Melia azedarach tree toxic to chicken?

    Hello, I'm in the process of building a big coop for my chickens and I plan on planting few Melia azedarach trees also known as Chinaberry around the coop to give shade I was wondering if this tree is toxic to chickens as it's believed to be toxic to humans Note: every house around here have...
  5. R

    lethargic rooster | comb turning black

    Hello I have this roo 6-8 months old I got him couple months ago he was fine until the last couple of days I noticed he slowed down not as active and today he's dropping his wings down also his comb turning black, he's eating and drinking, i inspected him and found these on his face, i think...
  6. R

    Dead chick autopsy

    WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT Hello I have a chick that was perfectly fine yesterday when it went to sleep, this morning I let them out and they all seemed pretty fine and normal, not one if them didn't eat and drink, shortly after they finished eating I spotted a chick with wings down and looking...
  7. R

    Chick bleeding through mouth

    Hello I noticed one of my chicks gasping for air a little bit i instantly isolated it thinking it could be a respiratory disease, it's just gasping every now and then not constant, 30 minutes later I noticed blood on peak it's not constant bleeding making me think it was choking on something...
  8. R

    Little chick swallowed something big?

    Hello 20 days old chick I noticed it's a bit weak the past day or so and making weird moves with the neck, I isolated the chick today to check droppings seems pretty normal I let it free and same thing weird moves like it's trying to swallow something I picked it up and checked the crop and it...
  9. R

    Vaccination for coccidia

    Hello I've had a bad luck with coccidia, all my hatches getting it at around 30-45 days if age and the latest hatch think it starting they're only 15 days old this time anyways I consulted a vet on vaccination against it and the vet suggested the following: Baycox (toltrazuril) dosage at the...
  10. R

    Coccidia again or just intestinal lining?

    Hello So I've hatched around 80 chicks they're 2 weeks old now, this morning I was sitting among them and I noticed a fresh dropping on the ground I checked it and here's what I saw, I waited a bit for another dropping and also saw the same red stuff in it, I've had a similar droppings with my...
  11. R

    Air cell before incubating?

    Hello I often notice that some eggs already has small air cell formed during the storing period (not old eggs talking 1-2 days ole eggs) before even putting them in the incubator there's an air cell and some eggs don't have an air cell what does that mean? Does it mean the egg possibly already...
  12. R

    Hen making snoring noise

    Hello I was just about to close the coop door but I heard snoring noise? Turns out one of the hens is making noise please check the link for the audio recording Recording here I've noticed she's been making such noises the past few days but it wasn't like this just for a brief second but now...
  13. R

    Chicks not growing

    Hello These brahmas are 2 month old yet poorly growing they look like 15 days old chicks I have 8 more which are double the size same hatch also other breeds I hatched with these ones are double/triple the size why?
  14. R


    Hello Any idea what breed is this rooster?
  15. R

    Bloody fights

    Hello, I have about 26 chicks (10 weeks old) if I'm not wrong 15 of them are roosters they started fighting like a week or so and I've seen blood on the faces of some of them but today I saw this, poor thing lost some skin in that fight This happened while they were free ranging so not a space...
  16. R

    Urgent chick about to die!

    Hello I have a mother hen with 11 chicks they were all perfectly healthy just few hours ago I let her free range with them, all of a sudden I noticed one us missing I looked around and found it in a bush sitting alone, I grabbed it and noticed it's mouth breathing making a click noise with each...
  17. R

    Keep eggs pointy end down during lockdown?

    Hello me everyone I've been hatching on a rolls type incubator the past 3 months but now I got a different incubator with trays where I must set eggs pointy end down My question is what do I do for lockdown? Just stop the turner and keep the eggs pointy end down or should I put the eggs on...
  18. R

    Infected/pasty butt?

    WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT Hello, got this 2-3 weeks old Brahma chick it was all healthy and normal until today this happened to it's butt, I don't think this is a pasty butt it's like the whole vent got outside, any suggestions?
  19. R

    Possible coccidia?

    Hello I have a 6 week old chick all of a sudden it's lethargic a bit however it was eating and drinking like a monster that was yesterday, today it got worse not eating much (picky but it ate a bit) and It's very weak, I noticed reddish stuff in the poop (pics below) no respiratory symptoms (no...
  20. R

    Weak chick

    Hello I have 26 chicks (6 weeks old) then been doing great but this morning All of a sudden one of them is not, it's a bit weak unlike the usual it's eating a lot, drinking and pooping but something is wrong, no symptoms other than weakness and I think when I put the chick close to my ear I hear...
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