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  1. ramzroost

    Time will tell....I just want to know

    The one with a triple? Comb is “Maggie” and the bright red is Calli and the 2 images of the lighter red are Zoey/Lorenzo.
  2. ramzroost

    Thank you so much!

    Thank you so much!
  3. ramzroost

    Thank you so much!

    Thank you so much!
  4. ramzroost

    Time will tell....I just want to know

    That's my concern!!! Still hoping it's not the case!
  5. ramzroost

    Time will tell....I just want to know

    Well, I know that time will tell but I just want to know. Hopeful that some of you may have greater confidence than I on determining the gender of 3 of my 9 week old. Americauna/Easter eggers? Yes, They are all the same age, hatched April 1st and 2nd. I'm pretty sure about Cal (the bright red...
  6. ramzroost

    New to raising chickens

    Welcome to raising chicks. I started out years ago by incubating eggs that were donated to my classroom. I had a hodgepodge of breeds. I've also purchased a small town feed store. However I've not always gotten what I thought I wanted because of my own "newness' to the chicken raising at the...
  7. ramzroost

    Returning with a new mnemonic

    Welcome back to BYC!!!
  8. ramzroost

    Gender Reveals .....who knows?

    In total I have 13 chickens. If these are the only two boys I should have 11 girls but the older they get I have a suspicion that I may have a third. I could possibly separate.
  9. ramzroost

    Hi my name is Sara and I'm a hatching addict

    😂😂🤪 It’s so difficult to say no to hatching. The thrill of incubating newbies is delightful. Not to mention, I am the first person my friends call when an animal or baby chicks need a new home! 😂 My hubby thought I might stop after adopting a human child....Nope. 7 years after that, I still...
  10. ramzroost

    Hi my name is Sara and I'm a hatching addict

    Super cute chicks! I love incubating and hatching!
  11. ramzroost

    Devastated... Lost 7 of 13 chicks last night.

    It is never easy to lose chicks even when they are older. We have had issues with dogs, coyotes, raccoons, hawks, etc over the past several years of raising chicks. One loss is no easier than another. You do what you can to protect them. Sometimes things happen and we move on.
  12. ramzroost

    Do you count your chickens before bed?

    Every night! I have 13 and count them each night, close up the coop. Every morning I open the coop and let them out into the run.
  13. ramzroost

    Ramzroost: Another Day in Paradise

    The 2-year-old hen has done well with the 12 new chicks in the coop and run. They scatter when she comes nearby...Unless I'm around. Then they huddle around me. If I sit in the run (Yes. I have a spot to sit) They are all over me! If you didn't already know this about me, I eat the eggs and I...
  14. ramzroost

    Fluffy Butt Acres: Stories of our flock

    Love it. Thank you for sharing!
  15. ramzroost

    Gender Reveals .....who knows?

    That’s what I figured. Kinda hoping I was wrong. Never had luck with more than one rooster. How do people manage?
  16. ramzroost

    Gender Reveals .....who knows?

    Could possibly be. My identification is purely based on 2nd hand info. The eggs of 6 of my feathered friends were donated for a classroom embryology project and I offered to adopt the chicks that needed homes. The only ones the person wanted were the red stars and the “turkens”.
  17. ramzroost

    Gender Reveals .....who knows?

    I've watched videos, read forums, raised chickens... and I never seem to always determine every chick gender but I think I'm getting better. Who knows. So I would love input. I have 6 chicks that I have adopted. They are approximately 6-7 weeks old. 5 of them are very similar in that they were...
  18. ramzroost

    Ramzroost Back in the Yard

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I am not new to chickens. I joined BYC back in 2012 when I started raising my own chickens. I previously had family chickens as a young girl. As of May 2012, I have had anywhere from 1-22 chickens free ranging in my yard. (2) How...
  19. ramzroost

    The baby steps of chick/chicken integration has begun.

    My run is 20'X 8' (160sq. ft). I also let the larger ones out of the run to free range in the backyard occassionally. So I think we are good there. I thouht about letting my little guys out but was not sure I should until they were a few weeks older. I let my older ones out of the run at 5...
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