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  1. amerzshaw

    Rooster attacked, severe neck injury (graphic image)

    Poor thing, sound like you’re doing the best you can for him. When my rooster was attacked by another rooster, that I have since rehomed, he had gashes on his head and the back of his neck and didn’t want to move to eat for the first couple days. He finally ate when I cooked him a scrambled egg...
  2. amerzshaw

    Hen or roo?

    Looks like a cute pullet! My silkie roos are noticeably larger than the hens and have larger combs, though 3 mos is still young.
  3. amerzshaw

    Front porch on the greenhouse coop

    Thank you!! You can get most of it on amazon ;)
  4. amerzshaw

    Front porch on the greenhouse coop

    After building the Garden Coop for my first coop, I decided I needed something even faster and easier for the second coop. I got this greenhouse kit from Amazon and set it up in a level spot. I left off the plastic panels on the top parts of the walls and used tecks screws to cover the areas...
  5. amerzshaw


    Poor things. When you reintroduce them to the rest of the flock you may want to put hen saddles on them so the others won't pull out their pin feathers. You can find them on Amazon and etsy.
  6. amerzshaw

    Where to let my broody raise chicks?

    Thanks for the suggestions! I think it will make sense to put them in the small starter coop. They would be separate from the other two flocks, which will work since I'm integrating older chicks into those flocks right now. The little coop has a hen house I can close off, so I can start them in...
  7. amerzshaw

    Where to let my broody raise chicks?

    I have a blue laced red Wyandotte hen who has been broody for at least a couple weeks now. I'm getting a shipment of 4 chicks this week, so I wanted to see if she would adopt them. I usually have a huge Tupperware bin set up in the house with a heat lamp as a brooder, so I thought about just...
  8. amerzshaw

    Chick with Eye Worm?

    Thank you so much to everyone for your advice and support! Im very thankful for this community of bird lovers :love
  9. amerzshaw

    Chick with Eye Worm?

    Update: No changes from yesterday, but here's a couple of pictures from today so you can see what it normally looks like just floating in the corner of his eye : There are a couple of avian vets in the town next to us, so I'll call them tomorrow when they're open to see if they treat...
  10. amerzshaw

    Chick with Eye Worm?

    I thought about clipping it off, but if it is his tear duct that would be painful for the poor guy. I talked to the breeder I got him from to try to find a vet that cares for chickens in the area, but she doesn't know of anyone :(
  11. amerzshaw

    Chick with Eye Worm?

    It was curled up in the corner of his eye and would kind of float under his eyelid when he blinked.
  12. amerzshaw

    Chick with Eye Worm?

    I looked at that post, too. It looks very similar, but they said they were able to wipe it off. I wish this was the case!
  13. amerzshaw

    Chick with Eye Worm?

    It may just be how it's pictured. It is soft, I brushed it out of the eye so I could get a picture of it and it just stuck on the feathers that way. I'm going to check on him this morning and see how he's doing and update.
  14. amerzshaw

    Chick with Eye Worm?

    I will. Now I'm wondering if it could be his tear duct or something? It doesn't look infected or swollen though.
  15. amerzshaw

    Chick with Eye Worm?

    I was worried about that. It didn't look anything like the video of someone removing them. I picked up some ivermectin, so I'll give that a try for now at least.
  16. amerzshaw

    Chick with Eye Worm?

    Thank you for the advice!! We live in the south east and just had a ton of rain, so roaches are probably out. Any ideas on where I can get Ivermectin?
  17. amerzshaw

    Chick with Eye Worm?

    My four week old chick appears to have a white worm attached to the corner of his eye. I noticed something white in the corner of his eye yesterday, and when I wiped his eye with a wet cloth a stringy white piece hung out of his eye. It never looked like it moved at all, but from reading posts...
  18. amerzshaw

    Sell Cockerels?

    Thanks so much for your response, I'll give craigslist a try.
  19. amerzshaw

    Sell Cockerels?

    Do people usually buy them from you for breeding? I'm was planning to sell them to someone who wanted them as a pretty guard dog for their flock
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