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  1. M

    What to do with unhatched goose eggs?

    Mama goose hatched two healthy goslings yesterday. How long should I wait before removing other eggs from nest?
  2. M

    What day do you think these goose eggs are?

    It’s actually the same egg!
  3. M

    What day do you think these goose eggs are?

    I took these from a nest I thought was a dud after goose sat for more than 32 days. I accidentally broke one, and discovered they were developing, so I put them in the incubator. They’ve continued to develop. I have no idea what day we’re on. Maybe 24 ish? I saw slight movement in one. Just...
  4. M

    Mysterious Massacre

    Oh- we live on 47 acres in rural Vermont
  5. M

    Mysterious Massacre

    I had 12 hens and 2 Roos. Something got almost all of them today between 8 and 9:30 am. 3 are alive in the coop (chicken door was open). Of the other 9, we found the 2 roosters and 4 hens dead and scattered FAR across our property. One hen was missing its head. The others were perfectly in tact...
  6. M

    Goose was broody, now she’s up! ???

    My 1year old Sebastapol was taking turns sitting on the nest with my Toulouse. She finally took over permanently and has been broody for weeks. I was really expecting goslings. Today, she’s up and out for a prolonged period. Granted, it’s sunny and warm for the first time. I tried to candle a...
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