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  1. JacinLarkwell

    Dong tao

    Of course I don't have any, because they aren't allowed out of their country. They're scams.
  2. JacinLarkwell

    Dong tao

    Because Ayam cemani aren't illegal to export. The Dong Tao is.
  3. JacinLarkwell

    Dong tao

    They're not allowed to be exported from their country
  4. JacinLarkwell

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    Time for pride jewelry
  5. JacinLarkwell

    Mystic Onyx Roo?

    I'm just not too sure, honestly. It's probably a male, but I just am not as confident as I generally am with this one
  6. JacinLarkwell

    Mystic Onyx Roo?

    Age? I had a hen that was almost half brown, but definitely was all female
  7. JacinLarkwell

    How to sell them?

    Post on craigslist
  8. JacinLarkwell

    What do I call this duckling?

    I am not a troll and I never called you one either. You asked what you would call it. It is a blue mixed breed duckling.
  9. JacinLarkwell

    What do I call this duckling?

    Muscovy and mallard aren't the same species. If they were, they would produce fertile offspring, and they don't. Varieties and breed aren't the same thing. Just like chickens, you can have the breed (Buff ducks, Swedish ducks, leghorn chickens, ect) and have several colors recognized in that...
  10. JacinLarkwell

    We had 1 straight run chick... and pretty sure this is a Roo!?

    You'll have to wait until he gets older to get indicators that he's going sour
  11. JacinLarkwell

    Question of the Day - Friday, May 31st, 2024

    I guess maybe Mozart? The story (idk if it's true or not, but its still hilarious) of how he wrote a song just to mess with a singer he didn't like always makes me laugh
  12. JacinLarkwell

    What do I call this duckling?

    No, like Chickens, the SPECIES is duck which is divided into breeds. Just like chickens, you can work to introduce traits into breeds they don't originate from, but they are still seperate breeds
  13. JacinLarkwell

    Question of the Question of the Day - Thursday, May 30th, 2024

    I guess maybe 24 hours because I had surgery? I don't really know though, I always try to keep my drinks nearby
  14. JacinLarkwell

    Question of the Day - Wednesday, May 29th, 2024

    Odds or in groups of 2/10
  15. JacinLarkwell

    2023/2024 Question of the Day Archive & Suggestions

    Are you currently binging a show?
  16. JacinLarkwell

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    But I have the ren faire on Sunday and then Pride on the 22nd, so those will both be fun
  17. JacinLarkwell

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    Ugh, I'm tired. I have two appointments next week, then family is out here for a little over a week, last day at the greenhouse is the 9th, I guess, so I have to really start looking for a job now too
  18. JacinLarkwell

    What breed is this chicken? Silkie mix

    Either a satin or a silkie mix.
  19. JacinLarkwell

    Indoor Rex rabbitry build

    That's really nice. Are you planning to try and litterbox train them?
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