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  1. SpotTheCat

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    I think they where rotting, so should I removing them from the new soil to dry? just put them on top of the soil?
  2. SpotTheCat

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    I am glad I decided to repot, it was a teapot of succulent stew. They where melting at the bottom I don't know if they are supposed to do that.. I decided they probably where not I removed as much of the old soil as possible, not sure if that was the correct thing to do Edit: I forgot...
  3. SpotTheCat

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    No holes, so I will look for a pot. Next issue will be that I have no idea how I will get it out, its under the top lip of the teapot
  4. SpotTheCat

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    Thanks! It probably doesn't have, it came in the teapot so I will need to check. Does it need something bigger then the teapot? It looks a bit squished
  5. SpotTheCat

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    @fluffycrow help! There was too much peer pressure :lau What is this and what does it need? My mother probably has some idea but I am not too confident in her plant skills
  6. SpotTheCat

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    Happy pride month! One this morning!
  7. SpotTheCat

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    :weepipe-cleaner models due on Sunday. 22 out of 54 eggs have gone into lockdown
  8. SpotTheCat

    Dog thread!🐾

    Pikelet is only about 43cm (17in)! I have been presuming the ones with hairdos are cockers but some don't have that. I have seen some with the same hair as springers 🙃 doesn't seem like the breeders are bothering to keep them different :idunno
  9. SpotTheCat

    Dog thread!🐾

    Anyone know how to tell the difference between working line cocker and springer spaniels? There seems to be a huge overlap where they look the same 😅 it's bothering me that I have a springer and can't tell the difference between them :lau
  10. SpotTheCat

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    We went to demonstrate spinning and nalbinding yesterday and they had security dogs. Thankfully they weren't out, instead they were crated in a open van near the entrance, what happens when they saw us? they started barking! Later I saw one walking past wearing a muzzle with its hackles up! If...
  11. SpotTheCat

    Dog thread!🐾

    2 things I thought of you can try First one you will need a platform that at least their front feet can fit on easily, not so high they can't get on it easily but not so low its hard to tell the difference between it and the floor. Lure them onto the platform, mark+reward, mark*+toss treat...
  12. SpotTheCat

    Caged Bird and Parrot Thread!!!!

    I got a Senegal parrot, no ideas what that is :lau.There are a lot more different birds then I thought there where😆
  13. SpotTheCat

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    Thats what makes you not a terrible neighbour! terrible neighbours wouldn't do anything about it or apologise
  14. SpotTheCat

    Caged Bird and Parrot Thread!!!!

    He is waiting for you to go first :lau
  15. SpotTheCat

    Dog thread!🐾

    Will she fit? 😆 I am just imagining it slowly sinking as soon as she gets on :lau Pepsi has the power of making food happen earlier :lau This explains Dawg's new thread 🤣 Sometimes you have to teach them how training works 😅 what have you been trying to teach her? You might need to make...
  16. SpotTheCat

    🐶The adventures of a little land shark with a job🦈

    She also went to the beach recently which I though was her first time but my brother remembers taking her before, so I don't know anymore Didn't get any pictures because it was cold, I did get a video which I will try to post! She did not inherit an intelligent GSD expression :lau
  17. SpotTheCat

    🐶The adventures of a little land shark with a job🦈

    I don't know if I have mentioned it before but her herding instinct has come through now instead of her shark on 😆. She likes being near the sheep and sniffing them. If they run she will try to run in front of them to stop them but as soon as they stop running she stops too Her reactivity is...
  18. SpotTheCat

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    Fanta noticed an escalator properly for the first time, she was desperate to go on it :lau She loves stairs, making them move was a huge improvement! Sadly she can't ride them so instead she happily watched it bring people to her 🤣 She also managed to find the car from quite faraway including...
  19. SpotTheCat

    Dog Breed suggestions??

    Thats going to depend heavily on the breed with how much they will bond to each other but regardless of that working them individual is how you prevent littermate syndrome so they will bond with you Keeping multiple puppies is very common with working dogs (not sport dogs), none of them end up...
  20. SpotTheCat

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    Yes, for both the uk and America there is no official organisation for assistance/service dogs they are just covered the the disability/equality laws, so unless its illegal to own the breed they can be a ad/sd
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