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  1. New duck mommy 2021

    Cayuga duck eggs day 23 still air polyhatcher

    I stop turning once I see the shadowing along the lower part of the air cell. This tells me 24-48 hours I should see internal pip After internal pip I up the humidity
  2. New duck mommy 2021

    Ducklings are pipping!! - would love some distractions!

    I remove mine as soon as they can stand up and walk They don’t have to be fully dry as they dry better under the heat without the high humidity
  3. New duck mommy 2021

    Ducklings are pipping!! - would love some distractions!

    He / she looks great I knew by the candle pics he was ready They never take that long to zip once they get going unless they get a foot over the head and get stuck You did great Being patient and waiting for help Then zipping him and letting him come out I have had some be a bit wobbly...
  4. New duck mommy 2021

    Ducklings are pipping!! - would love some distractions!

    I’m not seeing any yolk sac. No blood in the egg That’s possibly egg goo that sits at the bottom of the egg after hatching or can be slightly attached to baby
  5. New duck mommy 2021

    Muscovy egg on day 35, still has not internally pipped yet

    You will be able to watch to signs of hatching Shadowing along the lower part of the air cell Eggs rocking And air cell dipping forward really fast as well as how full the eggs are Regular duck eggs shadow day 22-25 anywhere in there You can take videos and post and we can help you figure...
  6. New duck mommy 2021

    Muscovy egg on day 35, still has not internally pipped yet

    Im So sorry I hope the other 2 hatch for you Each time we incubate we learn a bit more Keep us updated on the others How far along are they ?
  7. New duck mommy 2021

    Ducklings are pipping!! - would love some distractions!

    He is absorbed and ready to come out Just zip the rest of the way for him May need to take a little shell off above his head as his foot needs room to move so he can get his head out Pull the zipped cap back and baby should push out He won’t need back in his egg Set him back in the bator to...
  8. New duck mommy 2021

    Ducklings are pipping!! - would love some distractions!

    This is a great photo to show this is how we want the egg to look before we help It looks almost clear / yellow No veins
  9. New duck mommy 2021

    Ducklings are pipping!! - would love some distractions!

    Baby is ready Do the zip and pull the cap back. May need to pull a bit off above the head and let him push out
  10. New duck mommy 2021

    Ducklings are pipping!! - would love some distractions!

    If baby made all that my guess is he tried to zip and got stuck with a foot over the head If you can Candle above the head not in the air cell you should be able to see in and see if veins are gone That’s how I know if mine are ready to be helped Usually don’t see them zipping unless ready
  11. New duck mommy 2021

    Muscovy egg on day 35, still has not internally pipped yet

    By looking at the pics those veins looks clear Only tiny really thin ones I see a little red still The bigger ones look like there is no blood in them If you don’t see any movement and those bigger thick veins are empty my thoughts are baby passed I have no idea why as baby didn’t have the...
  12. New duck mommy 2021

    Got Goose; now unsure- help!

    I started with one goose ( gosling 4 weeks old ) I knew eventually I would get her a mate But when she went into her hormone cycle she thought the ducks she grew up with would be her mates She would lay down for them in the pool or try climbing on top of them So her gander came faster then I...
  13. New duck mommy 2021

    a few questions - duck eggs in lockdown

    Unfortunately if they don’t bruise or get into air cell there is no way to safely hatch them Shadowing doesn’t mean trying to internal pip Mine shadow for 48-72 hours before they break into air cell
  14. New duck mommy 2021

    a few questions - duck eggs in lockdown

    Making a safety hole to a baby that’s not got in the air cell will do nothing Look outside the air cell for bruising in case they are in the wrong position
  15. New duck mommy 2021

    a few questions - duck eggs in lockdown

    Thry can take up to 48 hours after external pip that was in the air cell 72 hours if external pip was outside the air cell Just let baby absorb and rest
  16. New duck mommy 2021

    Emu Eggs not wiggling but are tilted at day 43

    Well end of day 53 I opened the air cells and no babies at all My bstor did spike to 110 on me in the first few days I think it killed any cells that would have started The lady I got eggs from hatched before and after me as well as the one other person she sold to before me A little...
  17. New duck mommy 2021

    a few questions - duck eggs in lockdown

    I’m trying to catch up I never make a safety hole in an egg unless there is internal pip or a bruise happens outside the air cell and then I will make a pin hole in the middle of the bruise Some of those eggs look far from hatching There is way to much liquid and room yet The deep shadowing...
  18. New duck mommy 2021

    Emu Eggs not wiggling but are tilted at day 43

    @Pyxis I did a short video of the tap test today These eggs were really tilted a few days ago Now 3 are almost not tilted at all and one still has a bit bigger tilt not like it was though Still warm at one end abd cools at air cell end
  19. New duck mommy 2021

    Emu Eggs not wiggling but are tilted at day 43

    I’m on day 50 and have yet to see any wiggles The eggs did start to tilt around 2-3 weeks are not as tilted since day 48 I smell them and nothing bad No leaking They have all lost the exact same amount of weight and are about 14.5 % of total loss But have a few days left If I take them out...
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