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  • Users: Fwoof
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  1. Fwoof

    There's something going on with one of my bantams.

    I'll just keep doing what I'm doing for her (electrolytes, a bit of dewormer, and fresh dandelion and nasturtium) and see how she does. Even though I don't know exactly what's bothering her, I want to thank all of you for your information and support. So thankful for BYC and all of their...
  2. Fwoof

    There's something going on with one of my bantams.

    Didn't see any grain or anything. Her beak looked healthy and clear. She is doing a little bit better today, she squeak/squawked at me when she saw me getting food for the flock. I am glad that she hasn't lost her appetite and carries her tail high when she does move around. She doesn't look...
  3. Fwoof

    There's something going on with one of my bantams.

    @speckledhen, @Wyorp Rock, @LaFleche, can chickens get headaches? If so, what signs do they show when they have them? I noticed her shaking her head rapidly today, and she's lifted the top part of her beak up a few times, so I found that strange. Most likely something is wrong with her...
  4. Fwoof

    There's something going on with one of my bantams.

    I definitely will. I just checked her ears, I didn't see anything out of the ordinary. I did notice that the skin near her earlobe/behind her eye is purplish and slightly more wrinkled looking. Barely and only noticeable if you look closely, but still not normal.
  5. Fwoof

    There's something going on with one of my bantams.

    Okay, got it. She'll probably be fine sleeping in her coop tonight, then. It's a warm day, shouldn't be a cold night. Thank you! I mixed her electrolyte water (I have a homemade recipe) with some oatmeal, so that should be nice and gentle. Also noticed that she's preening and itching her face a...
  6. Fwoof

    There's something going on with one of my bantams.

    Now I'm really confused. Now she's closing her right eye more than the other!
  7. Fwoof

    There's something going on with one of my bantams.

    Also, I was thinking about putting her in a crate with a heat lamp and chick starter (I only have unmedicated at the moment, but at least it's protein dense) tonight. Should I do this, or will she be better off sleeping in her own coop tonight?
  8. Fwoof

    There's something going on with one of my bantams.

    She was recently broody, so that could be it. It doesn't look too yellow, though. Anything I can do to help her, or will the electrolytes do? I checked it, it looks normal except for an only slightly discolored eyelid. She has the full ability to open her eye, she just doesn't want to.
  9. Fwoof

    Pullet crowing???

    Unfortunately, they both look like roos to me. 😬 The shiny green sickles give it away. Beautiful boys, nonetheless!
  10. Fwoof

    There's something going on with one of my bantams.

    Here are pictures of her poop and eye. Her poop has a slight yellow tinge to it, what could this be? I thought I didn't have to get a picture of the actual eyeball itself because to me it looks normal, bright, and the right color, but tell me if you want me to.
  11. Fwoof

    There's something going on with one of my bantams.

    It's too dark to take photos right now, but I will try tomorrow. Her eye looks fine. Haven't seen any poop. I haven't been keeping track, she lives with two other bantams that lay the same size/color egg as her, but I'll let you know if I spot her in the box. I got two bantam eggs out of that...
  12. Fwoof

    There's something going on with one of my bantams.

    @speckledhen @Wyorp Rock @azygous
  13. Fwoof

    There's something going on with one of my bantams.

    There's something going on with one of my bantams. For the past couple of days she's been less alert/active than usual, spending a lot of time fluffed up in the corner of her run. I figured she was just getting over being broody, which she was not that long ago. I gave my flock treats today and...
  14. Fwoof

    Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

    I bet that's breathtaking to watch. Congrats on the POW!
  15. Fwoof

    Easter Egger Chicks (or not?)

    Alright then. Yay, more waiting! Definetly! Their coloring is really cool and unique. I just want to know what their darn breed is!
  16. Fwoof

    Easter Egger Chicks (or not?)

    ~Update~ My chicks aren't looking like EEs OR Speckled Sussex. I've never seen this coloring before, does anybody have any ideas about what they are? (The last feathers on both of their wings are pure white.)
  17. Fwoof

    Sooooo... my waterer spilled.

    Looking up where to get it now.
  18. Fwoof

    Sooooo... my waterer spilled.

    Thank you! Makes me feel better that this has happened before and the chicks were fine.
  19. Fwoof

    Sooooo... my waterer spilled.

    They dried off for the most part, they weren't dripping wet or noticeably moist. The down on their bellies was just a little spiky and wet-looking. They're definitely eating/drinking and not looking lethargic right now, so that's a relief. Two of the chicks' poop is watery but not bloody. On...
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