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  1. Cassandragrenr

    Getting pigeons

    AAANDDD now i've learned that breeding fantails is cruel.. so sorry.... again
  2. Cassandragrenr

    Getting pigeons

    *Fantail pigeons I didn't know what the breed was actually called, so i just translated directly from my language, sorryyyyy... again
  3. Cassandragrenr

    Getting pigeons

    don't perch like chickens, on roosting bars... Sorry again!!!!!!
  4. Cassandragrenr

    Getting pigeons

    I now see that they don't perch, sorry!!
  5. Cassandragrenr

    Getting pigeons

    Can i use sand as flooring/bedding?? I see people use it to clean chicken droppings, but would it be okay for pigeons? What is their diet? And what are good healthy treats? What can they not eat?
  6. Cassandragrenr

    Getting pigeons

    Hello! I'm getting 6-8 pigeons soon, and of course, I have a bunch of questions (I'm doing research, though I think byc is the best way to get proper and good research!) These pigeons will be allowed to free fly, racing pigeons. Though, what should a pigeon enclosure/coop look like? I want to...
  7. Cassandragrenr

    Easy & Cheap Chicken + Duck coops

    BTW by cheap and easy, I mean DIY stuff, I've seen people use like old play houses for kids as chicken coops!! And I wanted more ideas like that but couldn't find any 😅😅
  8. Cassandragrenr

    Easy & Cheap Chicken + Duck coops

    Please reply... my byc notifications are empty
  9. Cassandragrenr

    Easy & Cheap Chicken + Duck coops

    Some family members of mine are getting chickens, though they're very unsue about what type of chicken coop they want, So please give me your ideas for a cheap and easy coop to build or buy!
  10. Cassandragrenr

    Ducks have turned against me!

    I've never really been attacked, attacked. My drakes just nibble my pants, though sometimes they bite my till i bleed but never aggresively? They've never opened their wings at me or jumped at me 😅😅 maybe it'll get worse now since thye got ladies!
  11. Cassandragrenr

    Ducks have turned against me!

    How do you tell when a drake is mad/upset? Before they start attacking you 😅😅 or is that not possible?
  12. Cassandragrenr

    Why can't my muscovies fly?

    Thank you, There aren't any wild muscovies in sweden so I'm not really informed on any of this 😅
  13. Cassandragrenr

    Do emus and horses go well together?

    I have huge fenced in areas that would be perfect for our future emus, though the horses are usually there. Would they go well together?? + Would they be able to be fenced in with electric fencing, it's about as tall as me ((5'6))
  14. Cassandragrenr

    Peafowl enclosure peafowl pen

    A pen where they can't see each other?
  15. Cassandragrenr

    Duck is shaking!??

    I've never seen this before, thank you!
  16. Cassandragrenr

    Sheep just gave birth

    yesterday* i have no idea why there's space inbetween
  17. Cassandragrenr

    Sheep just gave birth

    Our sheep give birth february-march, but we just had one give birth yester day. Is this normal??
  18. Cassandragrenr

    Do swans go along with other waterfowl?

    I want to get swans, but would they get along with my ducks and geese?
  19. Cassandragrenr

    Can peafowl free range with other poultry birds?

    Maybe feed them at different places? Feed them in the order of the pecking order, so roosters/guineas first and then lastly ducks. Do you have different coops for them or do they all live in the same? If there's different coops you could maybe put the food in there instead. I'm no expert though...
  20. Cassandragrenr

    Can peafowl free range with other poultry birds?

    They'll have their own enclosure to sleep in during the night, but I want to have them to have access to free ranging with my other birds! Would that be okay?
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