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  1. Stravager

    Hey, there!

    I've painted pottery before and also took a small course and made a Christmas themed tic tac to set that did not survive the kiln very well. XD Never used a wheel but if I ever had the chance I'd love to. Alas, too many hobbies too little time!
  2. Stravager

    Questions about banded buckling, need advice please

    Typically tetanus shows signs 4-21 days after the injury. Continue to keep a good eye on him. Depending on how long it takes to order in you might want to call a vet clinic and ask if they have it on hand. Sorry didn't think to ask about vaccination status earlier....
  3. Stravager

    Infection, dried blood under surface or ?????

    Is there any heat or swelling in the area? Infection might go up the sinuses, but I'd expect to see more red angry looking lines/patches...
  4. Stravager

    Hey, there!

    Welcome to BYC! It looks like you have a lovely flock and also some very interesting hobbies! The pottery throwing has me intrigued - what do you like to make?
  5. Stravager

    Newbie(to BYC)

    Welcome to BYC! Hopefully your birds live a long, healthy life with you! :D
  6. Stravager

    Open Contest Official BYC Caption Contest 05-31-24 Pic by NorthwoodsChick

    "At last, free of my egg! Now to escape this prison! And when we escape... we shall rule the world!! To thunderous, marvelous applause, we shall -Rupert, are you listening to me?!" "Sure sure, rule the world, yadda yadda...I'm still working on the first steps of the plan and I'm eggshausted!"
  7. Stravager


    Not really charts but they have some good pictures here...
  8. Stravager

    Mushrooms??? I was asking if @kryptoniteqhs mushrooms looked like this.
  9. Stravager


    It's not an inkcap mushroom is it?
  10. Stravager

    Please identify these drakes

    ...Possibly an Appleyard? Silver Appleyard? I've got very limited duck knowledge, but you have really gorgeous ducks, so I'm really curious to know what the duck experts think! XD
  11. Stravager

    Hi im new to the site

    Welcome to BYC! I can't quite tell from the picture there, but here's a good article with pics that might help you determine where you're at for health wise...
  12. Stravager

    New Member Here!

    Welcome to BYC! Make yourself at home here. :D (I also like pictures of cows, not just chickens, and I'm sure some other folks on here do too if you'd ever like to share pics of your critters!)
  13. Stravager


    Welcome to BYC! We're so very happy to have you here!
  14. Stravager

    Proud mama of some crazy cluckin chicks

    Welcome to BYC! Happy wedding planning!!!!!!! And best of luck for the teacher's license!
  15. Stravager

    New member

    Welcome to BYC! Glad to have you and hope we can be of some assistance!
  16. Stravager

    What is everyone's hobby?

    I have one green thumb and one black thumb.... Legos!!! Legos are amazing also!!! XD
  17. Stravager

    What is everyone's hobby?

    Or latchhooking rugs! That was tons of fun as a kid.
  18. Stravager

    What is everyone's hobby?

    How old are the children? Drawing/coloring/painting, gardening, computer code programming, clay sculpting, and crochet are all fun things for kids to do depending on age range. My personal hobbies are: Drawing, coloring in coloring books, painting, gardening/killing houseplants, crochet...
  19. Stravager

    How old is my rescue kitten?

    I would guess between 6-7 weeks.
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