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  1. Tstraub

    Wrath's Marans

    Every time you post a picture of a chicken in a nesting box I have to look at the background to check and see if she is in the For Sale box. I see Jett is not for sale today.
  2. Tstraub

    Straub’s search for colored eggs

    I went inside for a minute and when I came back to check she was outside and I found this pullet egg in the box that she was in when I left her so I’m like 99%sure she laid it. It’s not green like I was hoping but it is an appropriate color for a girl named maple I guess. I have an Olive that...
  3. Tstraub

    Straub’s search for colored eggs

    Now she switched nesting boxes and evidently let one of the other girls lay an egg directly on top of her lol
  4. Tstraub

    Straub’s search for colored eggs

    New layer incoming. My 20 week old unknown breed pullet Maple has been hanging out in the nest boxes and singing the song of her people. I have been pacing around outside the coop waiting to see what color she lays. She was marked as a buff Orpington but clearly isn’t an Orpington. My best guess...
  5. Tstraub

    Ended Official BYC Pets & Livestock Caption Contest 09-13-24 Pic by Squawkers

    I didn’t even know they were doing a live action Peanuts reboot until I saw this image of Snoopy and Woodstock.
  6. Tstraub

    🐣🐥Black Copper Marans and Whiting True Blues. Lots of videos🎥

    Hopefully it works itself out for you. I know my Jersey Gena knocked her chicks around a bit for the first day or two. Nothing that caused any harm but it looked concerning to me. I just said to myself chickens aren’t people and the do things differently and practically had to sit on my hands to...
  7. Tstraub

    Buff Orpington mix up

    She is now 19 weeks old and looks like she is very close to laying but I haven’t found any eggs that I believe to be hers. Her comb and wattles have really changed color over the past week or so. She was broody raised and still pretty flighty if I try to get real close to her but I did get a...
  8. Tstraub

    This chicken is not dead

    I have been enjoying this thread but until today I haven’t been able to get a picture of any of my “dead” chickens. They always miraculously revive as soon as I get my phone out of my pocket. Here is my barred rock Oreo just relaxing in the sun
  9. Tstraub

    🐣🐥Black Copper Marans and Whiting True Blues. Lots of videos🎥

    Congratulations on the 4 new chicks. Watching a momma hen raise babies is so fun. Momma will break every rule you read about what your supposed to do to keep chicks healthy and safe yet somehow the chicks always seem to do great. Probably even better than I can do by following all of the rules.
  10. Tstraub

    Wrath's Marans

    Black totally slipped my mind. I have just the one bird named Black Betty but I usually just call her Betty. I forgot yours was spread across two birds.
  11. Tstraub

    Wrath's Marans

    I for one love the bonus info you included. I have been reading your posts across several different threads for over a year and I’m just now learning that your Blue had a brother named Barry. I love it blueberry. Names that go together are the best. I have known about Wrath’s King/Kong...
  12. Tstraub

    Straub’s search for colored eggs

    Egg production is slowing down and most of the adults are starting to drop feathers. I don’t think anyone has completely stopped laying yet but most are only giving a couple a week. I still have one of the Easter chicks now 23 weeks old that I haven’t seen lay yet and 3 slightly younger girls 19...
  13. Tstraub

    Wrath's Marans

    An EE does not have any standard so they can be a real mixed bag of genetics. Your EE, Esther if I remember her name correctly has a pea comb and lays green eggs. So we know that she has at least one copy of the blue egg gene and at least one copy of the pea comb gene. Your rooster is a BCM so...
  14. Tstraub

    Wrath's Marans

    Sorry to hear about Harmony. I’m surrounded by corn here as well. Mine haven’t been getting much free range time lately because they are always running straight to my garden. When I chase them out of the garden the tall corn is definitely choice number 2 A few weeks ago I heard the unmistakable...
  15. Tstraub

    Breeding true breeding Moss Eggers

    They could be something in between I guess. I know that my straight comb chicks always have combs that look like saw teeth I don’t see that here so my thought was pea.
  16. Tstraub

    Breeding true breeding Moss Eggers

    Those look like single row pea combs to me. Lots of people claim that single row means female and 3 row pea comb means male. In my limited experience single row combs have turned out to be some female and some male. I have only had like 3-4 chicks with 3 row combs and they were all male. It’s a...
  17. Tstraub

    Breeding true breeding Moss Eggers

    I think the EE has to have one copy of the blue gene and one copy of the pea comb gene. Then something like 90%of pea comb offspring will also have the blue gene. Is not a perfect link and it requires specific genes for the breeders. I see lots of conflicting info probably because of all the...
  18. Tstraub

    Breeding true breeding Moss Eggers

    I have read that there is some gene linking between pea combs and blue egg gene but it’s not a 100% link and it requires you to set things up first and I don’t have enough knowledge to say exactly how but if you google for blue egg pea comb link you’ll find some information You could save a lot...
  19. Tstraub

    Breeding true breeding Moss Eggers

    I just stumbled on this thread and will love to follow along. Those are some great looking eggs I wish I knew enough to help. Sometimes I wonder how many breeders are really putting in the time to get their lines stabilized and actually breeding true versus how many just throw a bunch of birds...
  20. Tstraub

    Ended Official BYC Poultry Caption Contest 09-06-24 Pic by Tiffany Wikk

    🎶 She had a west coast strut that was as sweet as molasses. But what really knocked me out was her “cheep” sunglasses 🎶
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