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  1. W

    In Grass Valley, CA. Best material for chicken run?

    I used natural pine mulch for my run area over dirt and the chickens love to dig and peck around in it for bugs and seeds. If it’s all gravel and sand, I wonder if it will get too hot? Also, they can’t really scratch it around which seems like their number 1 favorite activity.
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    Advice: Neighbor Chicken Invaded My Fenced Run

    this sounds a lot like the stray cat that wanted to live at our house a few years ago, and has tuned into a fantastic, mouse-catching outdoor pet. I think in your case the chicken picked its owner. She’s a lucky hen.
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    9 week old chicks all hens?

    Hi! I have a flock of 6 chickens and can only keep 5 because of our town ordinance. I also can’t keep a rooster. I have an aunt who keeps chickens that will take the extra whether it’s a hen or rooster. I’ve been watching and waiting to see if one would emerge as the clear rooster, but so far...
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    Comment by 'w145jlk' in article 'Using Deep Bedding in a Small Coop'

    Just curious do you keep water in the coop? What kind of water system would you recommend for those of us wanting to use deep bedding method but also needing to keep water inside the coop? I’m afraid of it getting wet and ruining the whole effect.
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    To vent or not to vent

    Hi BYC peeps! Please advise: building a new coop in Ohio. Should I vent the top or not? I’ll need to provide some heat in the winter, and worry that if there are vents, I’ll lose all the heat. Thoughts?
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    Only able to get 5 Chickens - help me pick breeds!

    I’m planning to get them next spring
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    Only able to get 5 Chickens - help me pick breeds!

    Do you all think Easter eggers over Americaunas? What’s the best/nicest blue or green egg layer?
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    Only able to get 5 Chickens - help me pick breeds!

    Hi everyone! I'm new to BYC, but I have experience from 20 years ago raising my own chickens from when I was a kid. So I'm kind of a newbie (again) but already know some things about caring for chickens. Here's my situation: I live in a small town that passed a new ordinance to allow residents...
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