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  1. UrbanHomesteadTX

    Order Up. Toaster oven Hatch-A-Long

    😂 I had a rooster start crowing at five weeks old, once! Others at six weeks old. The five-week-old shocked me, It was my first hatch and I wasn't expecting crowing till eight weeks.
  2. UrbanHomesteadTX

    HELP, very swollen vent area on several of my Coturnix Quail

    I just noticed this exact same thing on my male coturnix. He's nearly nine weeks old now. Checked the others in the same cage and he was the only one with it. What happened with your birds?
  3. UrbanHomesteadTX


    And Air Conditioning 😂 Mainly air conditioning
  4. UrbanHomesteadTX


    Our electricity finally came back on and I can finally bring my quail chicks back home! 😂 Three days without was starting to get a little irritating.
  5. UrbanHomesteadTX


    Lol, yeah, the cool weather didnt last long 😅 Already back up in the 80s and expecting more severe weather this evening. Hopefully we get power restored soon, it's too dang hot
  6. UrbanHomesteadTX


    We got hit hard this morning. 80mph straight line winds and we got hit with a tornado just a mile from home. Been without power since 6, almost the entire area is without power. Crazy morning! Thankfully our neighbor has power and let us move our 4 day old quail over there to brood. Don't know...
  7. UrbanHomesteadTX


    Right! This morning felt so good, but then around 11 the humidity kicked in. Uhg, it's so gross out
  8. UrbanHomesteadTX

    Show Me Your Pallet Projects!

    Certainly, sounds like a worthwhile investment! I've done similar set ups with tarps mainly, usually while at work. Something I'd suggest if you go this route is to secure your poles good, either by burying them down a foot or two or whatever other way works for you. Wind won't affect netting...
  9. UrbanHomesteadTX


    Yikes! Please stay safe! You've been drawing all the short sticks for the weather. Let's hope it comes to an end soon!
  10. UrbanHomesteadTX

    Show Me Your Pallet Projects!

    Ah, yes! That's certainly good advice. Thanks!
  11. UrbanHomesteadTX

    Show Me Your Pallet Projects!

    I figured someone would mention that. I'm in a very urban environment, only critters we have to worry about are cat and opossums. The cats could care less about the chickens and don't mess with chicken wire. My only real concern for the opossums potentially getting in is at the door. I'm...
  12. UrbanHomesteadTX

    Show Me Your Pallet Projects!

    Well, I just realized I never shared how the run came out. 😂 Ended up utilizing a 10'x13' space on the backside of my current run and built it directly into my fence, wall, and other run so that all I had to do was close up gaps and install a roof and door. Pretty happy with how it came out, I...
  13. UrbanHomesteadTX

    Ended 15th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along—Cutest Baby Fowl Photo Contest—Win a Brinsea Incubator!

    I want to thank the judges and Brinsea again! The incubator just came in and it's exactly what I needed! I wasn't expecting it to ship so fast. Lol. Can't wait to use it! Thanks for having these contests to support your members, this will be a great addition to my little homestead.
  14. UrbanHomesteadTX

    Feeding quail, thoughts and opinions?

    Well, I finally ended up buying Game Bird Flight Conditioner. Its 19% Protein, figure it's the best I'm gonna get around here 😅
  15. UrbanHomesteadTX

    Addressing muddy run without roof

    They bend to an extent, about as much as tin does. I've used a few on my porch when I enclosed it. You can bend it to about 45 degree angle hotdog style.
  16. UrbanHomesteadTX

    Ended 15th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along—Cutest Baby Fowl Photo Contest—Win a Brinsea Incubator!

    That's awesome! 😂 Wish I coulda found mine for $15! Lol. Mine is an EOS 7D MKII.
  17. UrbanHomesteadTX

    Ended 15th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along—Cutest Baby Fowl Photo Contest—Win a Brinsea Incubator!

    😄 Thanks! I shot all of these with a Canon camera. It's old and has taken a few beatings, but still gives me great results!
  18. UrbanHomesteadTX

    Show Me Your Pallet Projects!

    Ooo, that sounds like a fun project! I've been wanting to build a pallet board work bench for a while now. Looking forward to seeing what yoyou come up with
  19. UrbanHomesteadTX

    Ended 15th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along—Cutest Baby Fowl Photo Contest—Win a Brinsea Incubator!

    Oh wow!!! How exciting!!! Thank you judges!! Congrats to all of the winners!!!
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